Tag Archives: Parental Information

Eco Day Friday 30th January – WEAR GREEN

Eco DayOn Friday 30th January we will be celebrating Eco Day in St Thomas’.  The aim is to raise awareness of the various Eco topics and to do some work towards our next Eco-Schools Green Flag review.  As part of our Eco Day, the children are invited to wear green or a ‘green’ costume (potted plant, a flower or a mini beast!) and contribute £1 towards improving the school grounds.  There will also be a Fairtrade stall open with most items under £2.  Thank you for your support.

Pupil Voice

Pupil voiceOn Friday a questionnaire on pupil voice was sent home to all families within the school.  We are keen to gain the views of parents/carers.  It would be greatly appreciated if you could take 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire and return it to the school office no later than Friday 30th January.  If you do not have a copy of the questionnaire please phone the school office to request another paper copy, alternatively click here to print, or if you would prefer please complete the electronic copy and email it back to the school office at schoolmail@st-thomas.e-renfrew.sch.uk.  Thank you for your help.

Science Day

On Friday 21st November pupils of St Thomas’ Primary took part in a Science Fun Day to promote and encourage interest in the areas of science and technology.  The children were encouraged to come to school dressed as scientist with lab coats and goggles.  The day began with an exciting Forces assembly where a visiting Physicist, Tom Clark, demonstrated some clever science experiments including floating eggs, balancing coke cans and air cannons!  Throughout the day all the children took part in lots of different experiments and science activities including Spaghetti Challenge, Tie – Dyed Milk and Erupting Volcano experiments.  The day finished off with another assembly where the children shared what they had done.  The children can’t wait till the next Science day!