What is Seasons for Growth Information
Book Week Scotland begins on Monday 18th November and we are pleased to say that we have organised a variety of activities for all pupils to participate in in order to celebrate this special week. For example, they will have the opportunity to take part in:
Read ‘a’ Thon
The Read ‘a’ Thon will take place on Wednesday the 20th November. Pupils will have the opportunity to bring their favourite book into school. (This can be whatever the children read for enjoyment; i.e. fiction, non-fiction, a comic book etc.) We ask that they bring this book into school on Wednesday 20th November.
The theme for Book Week Scotland this year is “Blether” so encouraging your child to discuss their favourite book or illustrator and having conversations around their book or books that they have recently read would be great. This week aims to allow pupils the opportunity to read a little more, talk more about reading and view reading as an enjoyable hobby.
We are very much looking forward to celebrating this week in school and we hope that all pupils enjoy this special week.
As part of Catholic Education Week, there is a cluster mass on Tuesday 19th November in St. Thomas’ Church at 7pm. All parents/carers/grandparents are welcome to join us.
Please click here for information regarding free swimming lessons.
Please click on links below to read letters / leaflets issued by PTA this week:
Please click here to read our October Newsletter.
The Diocese of Paisley Youth Office will be hosting a retreat day for primary school pupils in P4-7 at St. Fergus’ in Paisley on Sunday 27th October 2-6pm. The retreat day will include activities, Mass and dinner and the chance to meet new friends. All participants must bring a signed consent form. Consent forms are available from your school and parish.
To find out more please contact Fr. John Morrison e-mail: vocations@rcdop.org.uk or tel 0141 889 5056.
To continue raising money to repair our damaged playground adventure trail, children may come to school “dressed down” on Friday 11th October in clothing of their choice. Suggested donation for this is £1. Cash can be brought in on this occasion.
Our PTA, parents, families and children have already raised a significant amount towards repairing the damaged adventure equipment (damaged during the summer / weekends which will cost at least £2,000 to fix).
We thank everyone who has helped us raise significant funds through colour run and donation buckets so far.
Scotplay are poised to repair and improve the equipment as soon as we have the funding in place.
We received a donation from Taylor Wimpey homes which we greatly appreciate too.
Please spread the word and we hope to have raised sufficient funds to repair the equipment prior to Christmas! Please help. We will keep in touch! We are nearly there!
Please click here for letter regarding October Holiday Camp ran by ERC Culture & Leisure.