On Friday 23rd January, pupils in primary 7 put on a fantastic performance celebrating Robert Burns. All parents, carers and grandparents who attended thoroughly enjoyed themselves and an article will be published in the Barrhead News shortly.
On Friday 30th January we will be celebrating Eco Day in St Thomas’. The aim is to raise awareness of the various Eco topics and to do some work towards our next Eco-Schools Green Flag review. As part of our Eco Day, the children are invited to wear green or a ‘green’ costume (potted plant, a flower or a mini beast!) and contribute £1 towards improving the school grounds. There will also be a Fairtrade stall open with most items under £2. Thank you for your support.
On Friday a questionnaire on pupil voice was sent home to all families within the school. We are keen to gain the views of parents/carers. It would be greatly appreciated if you could take 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire and return it to the school office no later than Friday 30th January. If you do not have a copy of the questionnaire please phone the school office to request another paper copy, alternatively click here to print, or if you would prefer please complete the electronic copy and email it back to the school office at schoolmail@st-thomas.e-renfrew.sch.uk. Thank you for your help.
Dyslexia Scotland, Glasgow East Renfrewshire Council Branch
Parents, pupils and teachers are welcome to our open meeting on Wednesday 4th February at Mearns Castle High School from 7.15 – 8.15pm. For more information visit: dyslexiascotland.org.uk or email dyslexiascotland.er@gmail.com
The first meeting of the Parent Equalities Forum will take place on Thursday 15th January in Woodfarm HS at 7pm. The main item on the agenda will be the Education Department’s Equalities Delivery Plan.
During the month of December, St Thomas’ Primary School pupils raised £430 from Carol Singing at various venues. The choir sang at Tesco in Barrhead and the Council Offices and P5-7 pupils sang at Silverburn. All money has been donated to Yorkhill Children’s Charity. Barrhead News will feature this in their paper in the next couple of weeks.
Choosing a School for your Son or Daughter
East Renfrewshire Council has set up one week when you should register your son or daughter at your local primary school for school education in East Renfrewshire. You must register at your catchment school, even if you intend to make a placing request to another school or to defer your place and keep your son or daughter at home for another year.
If you intend to educate your child privately or at home you should still register at your local catchment school.
You may choose to enrol your son or daughter in either the local denominational or local non denominational school. This choice will determine the secondary school to which your child will transfer.
If he or she is aged five between 1 March 2015 and the end of February 2016 you should go along to the primary school between 1.30 and 3.30 any day during the week of Monday 12 January to Friday 16 January 2015.
You should bring your son or daughter’s birth certificate, your child benefit statement, a copy of your current council tax notice, and mortgage statement or rental agreement. The school can also accept, Driving Licence, Utility Bill or Bank Statement if the child benefit statement is unavailable.
Placing Requests
Most school children attend their local primary or secondary school, but parents can choose to apply for a place for their son or daughter in another school.
If you are interested in making a placing request for a school in East Renfrewshire and want to find out more, visit the council website at www.eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk/placingrequest where you can download a placing request form and information on the criteria used for prioritising placing requests where there are more requests received than places available. If you require any advice regarding making a placing request please contact Ann Nairn on 0141 577 3578.
If you are interested in finding out specific information about a particular school you should contact the school directly or visit the East Renfrewshire Council website at www.eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk/schoolhandbook. If you want to make a placing request for your son or daughter for the school session beginning in August 2015 you should return your completed placing request form to Ann Nairn any time from 1 December 2014 and before 31 January 2015 by post to:
PLACING REQUESTS, East Renfrewshire Council Offices, Education Department, 211 Main Street, Barrhead, East Renfrewshire G78 1SY or by email to: admissions@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk
Mhairi Shaw
Director of Education
If your child is interested in attending lessons in Taekwondo, please click here.
Welcome back everyone, we hope you had a relaxing and peaceful holiday. We look forward to another exciting year here at St Thomas’!