School clubs

There are still spaces available in the following lunchtime clubs, it would be great if you could join in. Please see Mr. Brown if you intend to come along.

Tuesday: S1-S2 Handball in the old gym (See Mr. Murphy)

Thursday: S1 – S6 Table Tennis in the new gym

Friday: S1-S4 Gymnastics in the new gym

World Challenge Expedition 2015 – Cambodia

The next World Challenge Expedition has been launched for the S4 year group. All pupils have been distributed with a letter and an application form. All interested pupils must return their signed applications to the office by Wednesday 12th March.

Please see the links below for the the presentation delivered to pupils by Miss Ferguson and a draft itinerary for the trip

Presentation – Click here

Draft Itinerary – Click here

S1 World Book Day

Reminder to all S1 pupils to dress up for the World Book Day Event which is happening on Wed 5 March during P5 and P6. You must wear school uniform in the morning and bring your costume to school. Costumes can be left in the library from 8.30am onwards and picked up at lunchtime so that you are changed and ready to go to your English classes at the start of P5.

Miss McEachern (or Dracula)

S2 Options Evening – Thursday 20th February 2014

The S2 Options Evening takes place on Thursday 20th February.  The format of the evening is as follows:

 6:00- 7:00 – Marketplace:- Open Area

Subjects available for choice in S3 will be represented at stalls in the Open Area.  Staff will be on hand to discuss their subject and to offer advice

7:00-8:00 – Presentation:- Theatre

Mr Smith and Mr Cairns will present information to parents about the S3 curriculum and the options process

 The PTA will be selling teas and coffees in the Open Area during the Marketplace.  They will also be selling tickets for the PTA quiz in May.

East Renfrewshire Council

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