Category Archives: competition

World Book Day S1 Event

Reminder to all S1 pupils that the World Book Day Event takes place on Wednesday 29 February during P5 and P6.

We would like all S1 pupils to dress up as a character from a book/comic/graphic novel or film/TV adaptation and take part in the fancy dress competition and Big Book House Quiz.

Pupils should not wear their costumes to school in the morning – costumes can be left in the library before school starts and picked up again at lunchtime.

Football Forum

The football forum has now been moved from a Friday lunchtime to a Monday lunchtime. It will continue to take place in the PE classroom.

We are looking for new members, so if you want to come along on a Monday lunchtime and debate (argue) the latest incidents from the world of football – then everyone is welcome (even staff!!).

S1 PSE Personal Safety Poster competition

Congratulations to the following S1 pupils for their entries in the PSE Personal Safety Poster competition.

The winners are:

1st place – Karishma Chandi (Caledonia) – 40 points
2nd place – Darcy King and Victoria Groom (Gleneagles) – 30 points
3rd place – Jack Fletcher and Grant Ewing (Balmoral) – 20 points

3 runners up, who will receive 10 points for their house are

Ramsay – Mina Malekianpour, Eilidh Robinson and Heather Martini
Sutherland – Emma Smith, Javairia Sami
Wallace – Richard Laird, Callum Young and Alistair Pearson

Well done to all pupils!

Balloon Race Winner

After a successful release of over 600 balloons on a wet and windy afternoon we have now reached the closing date for the return of balloon race tickets.

It is with great pleasure that we now announce James Stirling in S5 as our winner. His Balloon was found over 120 miles away in Bowsden, Berwick Upon-Tweed.

We would like to express our gratitude to Mrs Norma Wilson who returned the ticket from the winning balloon.

Great credit is also deserved by the group of S6 girls (Iona, Connie and Eleanor) whose hard work made this year’s Balloon Race the most successful ever. Well done girls!

Congratulations and well done once again to James who will now be flying “Up, Up and Away” with 2 return tickets to one of the fantastic destinations courtesy of British Airways.