School Orchestra

Miss Borland would like to form a School Orchestra.  There has not been an orchestra in the school for a number of years and it would be great to bring together string, woodwind, brass and percussion players and play some of the orchestral music we have.

If you are interested being part of this new music group please speak to Miss Borland asap.

Sign up sheets also in the music department.

Health and Wellbeing Information

The Scottish Government campaign “Eat Better Feel Better” has just launched its new website to encourage people to start cooking and eating well to improve their health. The website contains a variety of recipes to try and the nutrition content of recipes is given to make it easier to make informed choices. For those of you who enjoy interactive videos there is a selection of “cookalong” recipes on the website. Cookalong recipes can be a great way to involve children when cooking the family meal. The web address is