Tag Archives: Fundraising

Fruit and Toy Fund

We collect £3.00 per child per week to cover the costs of children’s fruit and toy fund. Payment for term one is now payable.You can pay £3 per week or if it’s easier £27 for this term.

For the whole year ahead:

Term 1 – £27

Term 2 – £27

Term 3 – £39

Term 4 – £39

Total amount payable for the whole year is £132 if you prefer to pay in one go.

Please pay via Parent Pay or by cheque made out to Isobel Mair Family Centre

Kind thanks in advance

Garden Party

Garden Party – Tuesday 26th June

Tickets are available from the front foyer at a cost of 50p each. Please come along and enjoy the morning/afternoon with all the family.

We will have games and activities as well as stalls including raffle, tombola, face painting, ice cream cones and summer punch! Please come along and support this fun event.

We are looking for any donations for raffle prizes, tombola prizes (adult and child) so we would very much appreciate any items you could spare!

In addition, if any parents would like to help distribute letters to local businesses please see Colette.

Celebrating Who We Are Week


All staff at Isobel Mair Family Centre would just like to say a

HUGE ‘Thank You’

for your wonderful support of our

‘Celebrating Who We Are’ week.

So far we have raised a total of just over £350, however we still have more bags and ‘shrinkie’ key rings to make and sell so the grand total will increase, with every penny donated to our three named charities.

Thank you for your support.

If you have not yet received your pre-ordered pens, trolley tokens and wrist bands – please let us know as we have a few surplus in the office. In addition, if you have not had the opportunity to purchase your child’s hand made reusable bag and/or shrinkie key ring – please let us know!


Parent Pay Update

Parent Pay is now up and running for all our ‘returning’ children;  term one toy and fruit fund can be paid.

If your child is new to the family centre, we are waiting on user names and passwords being issued to enable you to set up and use this service.

Many parents have spoken to staff, worried about not having paid for term one as yet. We are so sorry for this inconvenience.

If you would prefer not to wait – please pop the outstanding £33.00 in to an envelope, clearly marked with your child’s name and we will ensure our records are updated accordingly once up and running. Cheques are also acceptable – again, just pop in an envelope.


Summer Party

Our Summer Party is taking place on Friday 23rd June from 9.30am -11.30am and again in the afternoon from 1.30pm – 3.30pm

We do hope you will come along and enjoy the fun!

We are having karaoke, quizzes, raffle, tombola, guess the bear’s birthday, face painting and much more.

Bring your purses and support the Family Centre’s fundraising and have a great day out too.

Your Summer Party Ticket

Easter Celebrations

We certainly got into holiday mode today by coming to nursery in our pyjamas to help support Isobel Mair School’s very own Special Olympian Rhythmic Gymnast, Amy Clark.

We have raised £74.39 for Amy to help support her venture to the GB National Games.

In addition to our pyjama day, we welcomed a very special fluffy friend who delivered some Easter Treats to all our children, courtesy of the Parent Council – many thanks from all our delighted boys and girls.

Nursery will reopen after the Spring Break on Tuesday 18th April. Have a wonderful holiday.

Red Nose Day 2017

Isobel Mair School classes Yell, Unst and Fetlar have been busy processing their orders of red noses in REDiness for the big day on Friday 24th March.  There’s still time to order your nose if you have not alREDy done so!

Order forms are on the table in the foyer – please complete and return to myself or Joanne to ensure you have a nose on the day! The cut off day for ordering is Monday 20th March.

All money raised will help people living really tough lives in the UK and across Africa. For example £2.50 could buy a mosquito net to protect a family in Africa. In the UK, £5 could pay for an isolated elderly person with dementia to have dinner at their local support group. On their behalf, thank you.

The children are encouraged to bring a donation, wear red on Friday and of course have their noses on!

For further information visit: http://www.rednoseday.com/order-a-fundraising-kit