
Balta playroom is another of our smaller playrooms and is currently staffed with four Child Development Officers – Rebecca Carr, Paul Morrison, Colette Graham and Diane Higgins

The children in our Balta playroom enjoy a wide variety of free flow, planned and structured learning experiences, planned to meet the children’s individual needs. The staff use a variety of strategies to support non-verbal children and children who are at the very early stages of language and communication development. For some children, staff use Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC) tools such as buttons and switches to promote a language rich environment for all learners.

Children are encouraged to play outside on a daily basis and have access most days to our multi-sensory room. Weekly access to the soft play and adventure room in Isobel Mair School also adds to the children’s experiences, making transitions easier to cope with over time. Children are encouraged to access a sensory curriculum and enjoy exploring new sounds, tastes and textures within the safety and comfort of the familiar Balta playroom.

Children attending this room are further supported by a range of partner specialists such as dance /music specialists, speech and language team and our Educational Psychologist, Jennifer Speck.