Health Promoting Nursery


As part of our nurturing approaches, Lunch/snack time for all children is a nurturing experience where we endeavour to deliver lunch/snack to the children in a more home like environment. We support children to develop their independence, self help skills, confidence and social skills. The atmosphere of our lunch/snack time approach is very relaxed and at a pace suited to individual needs of the children.

Snack Time

We provide a selection of fruit at snack time along with milk or water to drink. Water is available throughout the day and drinks are always given following any physical exercise. Please let us know if there are any foods that your child should not have.

We are a NUT FREE centre.


Please see the current nursery lunch menu above

Please speak to a member of staff should your child have a medically prescribed diet or require a vegetarian option, as you are required to complete either a medically prescribed diet request form or a lifestyle form.

Please note: After any holiday the 1st day back will always be the Monday menu and then the normal days will follow