
Learning Pathway

Isobel Mair Family Centre ensures that all children embark on an individualised learning journey. Every child’s journey is unique, personalised and flexible. We strive to promote and celebrate every child’s success. By ensuring that each child’s strengths are recognised, challenged and celebrated, we can then plan and facilitate effective learning experiences that enhance the child’s holistic journey. The highly individualised learning pathway ensures all children’s strengths are recognised and categorised using the significant aspects of learning (SAL);

  • Communication
  • Cognitive Skills
  • Life and Independence Skills
  • Physical Skills
  • Sensory Skills
  • Daily Routine

Curriculum for Excellence and GIRFEC are integral components that will provide context and guidance in supporting (SAL). This will allow staff to plan, assess and enrich the children’s learning experiences and bring out the best for all. The learner’s progression will be recorded, reflected and evaluated upon to ensure that next steps are appropriate and meaningful. Parents are fully involved in the life and work of their child’s early learning. This is essential, as building effective relationships allow both parties to work in collaboration to reach the child’s full potential.

Learning at Isobel Mair Family Centre will be relevant and purposeful, built on prior knowledge and skills. The learner’s interests and motivators will play a pivotal role in providing high quality and engaging learning experiences. All staff are reflective and creative in maintaining an optimum learning environment that provides the children an individualised space to learn and grow.

“There should be a focus on what the learner can do, not what they can’t. Progress may be made in very small steps. Success should be celebrated and shared where possible” (Education Scotland, 2018).

Curriculum for Excellence

Curriculum for Excellence provides the framework for learning for all children and young people in Scotland aged 3 to 18. It includes all of the experiences which are planned for learners, wherever they are being educated.

“The curriculum aims to ensure that all children and young people in Scotland develop the attributes, knowledge and skills they will need to flourish in life, learning and work. This is encapsulated in the four capacities – to enable each child or young person to be a successful learner, a confident individual, a responsible citizen and an effective contributor”.

Staff at  Isobel Mair Family Centre offer a balance of learning experiences to ensure all our children enjoy cross curricular learning. Children’s learning is evidenced throughout the Family Centre and is displayed on the Curriculum Wall outside Cara Playroom and on Learning Walls in each of our four playrooms. Evidence of children’s learning is also displayed within the ‘Big Books’ which are kept up to date and displayed in the corridor for parent’s to comment on.

Pre-Birth to Three: Positive Outcomes for Scotland’s Children and Families

The 3-18 curriculum builds on the solid foundations laid in children’s earliest years. The early years of a child’s life lay the foundations of skills for learning, life and work and have a major bearing on wider outcomes, including employment. It is essential that we get it right for every child in these most critical years.

“The revised guidance used at Isobel Mair Family Centre reflects the principles and philosophy which underpin the Early Years Framework and Curriculum for Excellence, and includes important information on pre-birth and brain development”.

This guidance sets out to support staff working with and for our youngest children and their families. It aims to:

  • facilitate effective partnership working for the benefit of every child
  • promote confidence
  • enable practitioners to build in time to ‘think’ as well as ‘do’
  • inform the ways in which staff support children and families
  • improve and enhance evidence-informed practice.