Category Archives: Enterprise

Summer Party

Our Summer Party is taking place on Friday 23rd June from 9.30am -11.30am and again in the afternoon from 1.30pm – 3.30pm

We do hope you will come along and enjoy the fun!

We are having karaoke, quizzes, raffle, tombola, guess the bear’s birthday, face painting and much more.

Bring your purses and support the Family Centre’s fundraising and have a great day out too.

Your Summer Party Ticket

Enterprise Event

Children will be hosting their Enterprise Event on Friday 5th June.

Please support your child and help celebrate their achievements by coming along to this event.

Children learn many skills through participating in enterprising learning experiences. This event has stemmed from children’s interest and has progressed naturally through the planning stages, to design and production.

Our educational enterprise learning has:

  • provided opportunities for children to think and act in enterprising ways
  • provided a clear focus on core and employability skills, and the ability to transfer these to different contexts, in particular the world of work
  • provide opportunities for work-related experiences, both in and outwith the playroom
  • adopted an enterprising approach to learning and teaching
  • promoted positive attitudes
  • provided opportunities for children to develop skills such as problem solving, decision making and evaluating risks
  • provided entrepreneurial experiences.

Our children can’t wait to share their learning with you – please pop along on Friday 5th June!

Enterprise Update

Thank you to all parent’s, family and friends who supported their child and the Family Centre by coming along and supporting our Enterprise Event today.

Not all children’s art work has been sold as yet, however I am delighted to announce our total so far is an amazing £300!!

Thank you once again and we will let you know our final amount when all pieces of art are sold!


Enterprise Day

As you will know, the children will be hosting an  Enterprise Day on Friday 2nd May.

We ask that all parents/carers come along to support this event. The children have put a great deal of time and effort into their artwork and they are continuing to learn about art and a variety of artists.

Please pop along to the family centre at a time that suits you. Staff and children will be available throughout the day to escort you along to our ‘Gallery’ – you can have a look at the children’s art work and perhaps purchase your own child’s piece of art!

Stay for a cup of tea, coffee or juice and have a chat!

We look forward to seeing you there.

Click on the link below to see the flier handed out over the past few weeks:

Enterprise Flier

Upcoming Enterprise Event

The Children have been working with staff over the past few weeks to discuss and plan an ‘Enterprise Event’.

As planning is responsive to ideas stemming from children’s interests the children decided to create spring pictures.

All rooms have been involved in our enterprising event and we will be displaying our art exhibition in the hall.

We do hope you will support this event by coming along on Friday 2nd May as the children are selling their spring pictures.

After the event children will be involved in the decision making of how the funds will be spent.

Teas and coffees will be available at the exhibition.

More information on return following the Easter Break!