Tag Archives: Special Events

Singing Hands

Are your singing hands ready? Join Suzanne & Tracy for a fun filled day of singing and signing.

2 sessions are available 11.30 and 2:30pm

Ticket price: £11 Adult, £9 Child, £36 Family + bkg fee*

To book tickets, please contact Johnstone Town Hall:
https://www.renfrewshireleisure.com/singing-hands/ Telephone: 0300 300 1210
Johnstone Town Hall, 25 Church Street, Johnstone PA5 8FA

*please note: a £1 service charge per transaction applies for bookings made by phone or online. There is no service charge for tickets purchased in person or for tickets booked by phone and later collected from the Box Office.









Scottish Afternoon

We are having a Burns/Scottish afternoon on Thursday 8th February, 1:15pm.

We are excited to have pupils from Mearns Castle High School  folk band join us and play some Scottish music, accompanying our pupils in singing and dancing.

Pupils can wear some tartan or bring tartan into school to wear for our Scottish afternoon.

This event is for pupils only.


Rookie Rockstars Performance

Some of our classes have been involved in workshops this week with Rookie Rockstars and have been working towards a performance on Friday 27th October at 1:30pm.

Pupils have really enjoyed participating and are looking forward to their rock performance.
Pupils can get into full rock character if they wish with rock dress up, props, face paints and funky hair.

Click here for tickets details, priced £5
Tickets can be purchased from the school office.
Click here for more information.








Rookie Rockstars is an initiative that was created to give children the opportunity to work with professional musicians to learn original songs, record a CD and perform in a fantastic concert. The programme covers key areas of the Curriculum for Excellence: Health and Wellbeing, Expressive Arts, Moral Education, Literacy, Technologies and more. Children participate in a unique learning experience which tackles anti-bullying, and aims to promote confidence, self-esteem, and positive friendships.

A journey through Roald Dahl

Farewell to Rob and Rebecca

Class Arran put on an amazing performance of Roald Dahl stories as part of their assembly and as a goodbye to Rob and Rebecca.

A magical sensory story involving Matilda, James & the Giant Peach, Miss Trunchball and lots of others characters who travelled on their journey throughout the year as part of their Literacy study in class.

An amazing performance from start to finish and had the pupils, parents and staff  totally engaged and engrossed in the performance!




Meeting the Deputy First Minister

Our Head Boys, Rob and Marc and Head Girl Katherine had a very important role a few weeks ago.

They were so excited when they heard they had to greet and give a tour of the school to Mr John Swinney, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills.

They took their very seriously and waited very patiently for his arrival!

Mr Swinney immediately put our young people at ease and introduced himself to them.

Katherine took the lead and told him all about our achievement board.

Marc led him the tour of the school and told him a little about himself and the classes as they walked around the school.

Have a look at some of the photographs from the visit.