Tag Archives: Sports

Davis Cup Tennis Live at the Emirates

Davis Cup Tennis Live at the Emirates

In partnership with Giffnock Tennis Squash & Hockey Club and Tennis Scotland, East Renfrewshire Schools are being offered free tickets to attend the Davis Cup match between Kazakstan vs Netherlands on Tuesday 13th September.

The matches start at 4pm and spectators can stay for as long as they wish.
All parents need to do is click on this link below and complete the form to apply for tickets.

Parents are responsible for attending the event with their child/children and are responsible for them throughout the match.

Link – https://forms.office.com/r/y2MX0Ycvak

Tickets will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Special Olympics Assembly

Thank you to Amy Clark, Frances Smiley and Jack Dickson for coming to school and sharing their experiences of being a special Olympian at the games in Abu Dhabi this summer.

They were great sports taking part in our question & answer session. The pupils asked some great questions and were keen to find out more about eating healthy, how many days do they train and how do they go about becoming an Olympian.

Pupils and staff loved chatting with the visitors and having a look and feel of their special medals.

Afterschool Sports Clubs

Gordon, our Sports Coordinator is offering extra curricular sports clubs in the school to P5 -S3 pupils providing opportunities and motivation to adopt active, healthy lifestyles.

This term includes, football, dance and multisport.

Places are limited so please ensure you book a place using
the booking form sent home or included in the flyer below.

Check out the flyer for more information.


Get on Target with Boccia at Holyrood Sports Centre, Aitkenhead Rd.

Session will take place  every Wednesday from 6 -7pm.

Sessions are free and  will be  avaialable weekly and termly.




Congratulations to  2 of
our pupils , Freya and Amy C who took part in the
Rhythmic Scottish
Open Gymnastics
competition, Edinburgh.

We are delighted to let you know that Freya was  awarded 1st place.

Well done to you both, we are super proud.

Sports Champions

Congratulations to all our sporting champions who took part in the West of Scotland Athletics Championships this year.

Medals were awarded by Mr Homes, Mr Crossan and Mr Whyte at the whole school assembly this afternoon.

Have  look at our photographs below.

Senior Sports Day

Thank you to Mr Holmes and Gordon our Sports Coordinator  for organising this years sports day  at Eastwood High School.

Big shout out  to the sports champions from Eastwood High School for all their help at the various activities

All the pupils had a great time at the different events but especially loved all the races, especially the relay race.

Medals will be awarded  at the next assembly.