PACE – Creative classes for young people aged 5 -12 years with additional support needs.
Social Story to support school closure
School Closure re Red Weather Warning
Coffee and Chat
Join us on Tuesday 28th January at 10am for Coffee and Chat.
An opportunity to help us plan for future events
Coffee Morning
You are invited to a coffee morning on Friday 7th February at 10am.
An opportunity for parents and carers to enjoy a coffee and a catch up.
Message from Parent Council Fundraising Group
Message from Parent Council Fundraising Group
We set up the school lottery in November and so far we’ve raised over £300. It’s a great way to raise money and will hopefully provide us with a constant small income throughout the year. This will help us to continue to fund treats for the pupils such as bouncy castles/silent disco at summer fun day, Santa gifts/selection boxes, Christmas Fayre games, and many other items. Please consider buying a ticket if you haven’t already. There’s a guaranteed winner from our supporters every week, and also a bigger weekly national prize of £25,000 up for grabs. Tickets are £1 and you can set up a direct debit or buy ad-hoc week by week.
If you’re not in a position to buy a weekly ticket then even sharing the link on your fb page/with family and friends could help us to boost our ticket sales.
SupERkids Family Fun Day
The next SupERkids family fun day is on Saturday 18th January at Isobel Mair School, 10am-3.30pm.
We have The Glasgow Groovers, We Sing it and Sign It confirmed for part of the day, as well as professional artist Abi Black running clay and art all day.
We will also have access to the sensory room, soft play, and the usual bouncy castles, tuff trays with messy play and more! The whole family is welcome.
As these are unsupported events, all young people must be supervised at all times.
Christmas Holiday ASN sessions at Sporty Kids
Christmas Holiday ASN sessions at Sporty Kids on Monday 23rd December.
UPS AND DOWNS Theatre Group
30 years of UPS AND DOWNS theatre group 10th – 15th March 2025 with special guest Callum Beattie.
This would make the perfect Christmas Gift.
Christmas Jumper Day

Winter Fair Total
Thank you to everyone who supported our Winter Fair last night and for all the kind donations for the raffle and tombola. We are delighted to let you know that the total amount raised was a magnificent £2675.
Many thanks for your continued support to the school.
Winter Fair
One more sleep till the IMS Winter Fair. Hope you can make it along from 6pm -8pm to buy some winter crafts and support the school & Family Centre
Winter Fair
Reminder to join us for the ISOBEL MAIR SCHOOL AND FAMILY CENTRE WINTER FAIR on Wednesday 4th December 6pm -8pm
St Andrew’s Day
We are celebrating St Andrew’s day on Friday 29th November.
All pupils are invited to wear something tartan.
Parent Council Meeting
Reminder that the Parent Council Meeting will take place tomorrow at 7PM.
Link to join the meeting has been sent via email.
Coffee and Chat Survey
Could all Parents/Carers please fill in the following survey re Coffee and Chat
Lavender Drive Christmas Light Switch On
We are delighted that residents of Highgrove Park Newton Mearns have chosen IMS and @IsobelMairFC as their nominated charity for the Christmas Lights 2024. Switch on will take place Sunday 24th November 6pm
** This is the Lavender Drive Christmas Lights Switch On **
Winter Fair Raffle
Please see attached flyer to purchase tickets for the Winter Fair Raffle. Tickets can be purchased via Parent Pay or complete the form and send into school
Winter Fair Tombola
Can you help out?
We are looking for tombola prizes for our Winter Fair. Any donations would be gratefully received
Winter Fair
Join us for our Winter Fair on Wednesday 4th November 6pm -8pm.