Christmas Holiday ASN sessions at Sporty Kids on Monday 23rd December.
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St Andrew’s Day
We are celebrating St Andrew’s day on Friday 29th November.
All pupils are invited to wear something tartan.
Winter Fair
Join us for our Winter Fair on Wednesday 4th November 6pm -8pm.
Christmas Fair Donations
The Parent Council are looking for donations for the Christmas Fair if you can help out.
Literacy Information Evening
Please join us on Thursday 21st November, 6pm – 7pm for a Literacy information evening.
Are you a young carer?
The Young Carer’s Support Network will be present at Parent’s Night tomorrow to help signpost anyone who may benefit from their services.
SupERkids are having a Halloween Party
SupERkids are having a Halloween Party on Tuesday 31st October, 6-8pm.
See flyer for more details.
East Renfrewshire Libraries free events
East Renfrewshire libraries have a fantastic range of free events and activities throughout the month of September.
Home Baking
We are looking for donations of home baking for our stall the Christmas Fair.
Please send in any baking on Tuesday 6th or Wednesday 7th December.
Thank You
Davis Cup Tennis Live at the Emirates
Davis Cup Tennis Live at the Emirates
In partnership with Giffnock Tennis Squash & Hockey Club and Tennis Scotland, East Renfrewshire Schools are being offered free tickets to attend the Davis Cup match between Kazakstan vs Netherlands on Tuesday 13th September.
The matches start at 4pm and spectators can stay for as long as they wish.
All parents need to do is click on this link below and complete the form to apply for tickets.
Parents are responsible for attending the event with their child/children and are responsible for them throughout the match.
Link –
Tickets will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Daffodil Tea
Parents Update – Contingency Plans in the event of Emergency School Closure
In the event of severe weather conditions, Head Teachers are guided by the Education Department’s Standard Circular 10b.
Following an assessment of the situation, in consultation with relevant staff in the Education Department, a decision will be made on whether or not to close the school.
Please have a look at the attached PDF for more guidance.
Diary Dates
May Calendar
Reminder that school will be closed on Monday 3th May for May Bank Holiday and Thursday 6th May for INSET day.
School will also be closed on Friday 28th May and Monday 31st May for the May weekend. School reopens on Tuesday 1st June.
Click on the link to access some STEM resources to celebrate British Science Week.
Thanks to Mrs Melvin for our daily STEM Challenge during British Science Week
Family John Muir Award
The Family John Muir Award, offers an opportunity for families to work towards a shared goal, helping improve parent-child and inter-generational relationships, boost confidence & to simply enjoy spending time together outdoors.
Click here for more information
Surviving through Story
Book your tickets now! £30 for professionals and free for parents and carers (email for the discount code if applicable).
Surviving Through Story are running a series of three online training workshops each month starting this month on Thursday 21st January, 4:30-5:30pm. The Personal Storysharing with Story Massage workshop will be co-run with Mary Atkinson. co-founder of the Story Massage Programme and Gill White of Pamis.