Category Archives: – Pupils

Celebrating Success

Congratulations to one of our senior pupils, Amy who took part in the  Down Syndrome Gymnastics Competition at the weekend in Leicester.

Amy won an amazing 4 gold medals, 2 bronze and a trohpy for the National Junior Champion.

Amy won Gold for the following routines: club, ball, rythym and hoop.
Bronze medals were awarded for ball group routine and her own free routine.

We are all so proud of you Amy.

Amy has been selected to attend the World Special Olympics in Los Angeles next year and we are planning to help her fundraise to make her dream come true.

Watch this space for more details.

Athletics Championships

Good luck to some of our senior pupils who are attending the SDS National Athletics Championships at Grangemouth today.

They have been practising well and have been lucky to use the training  facilities at Eastwood and Williamwood High Schools.

We wish them well in the competition today, we are proud of all your efforts.

Grow Cook and Eat Showcase

Grow Cook and Eat Showcase

Our annual Grow Cook and Eat Showcase will take place on Friday 6th June for invited parents and guests.

This will allow our young people to showcase the skills that they have been working on throughout the past year during Hospitality at West of Scotland College  and Horticulture skills  at Rouken Glen.

The menu looks amazing ……………. so make sure you taste some of the delicious dishes that our uoung people will be preparing.

A slideshow of the pupils work will be shown at the event.

mAIRwaves have posted a new recording

50 Outdoor Challenges

Classes Tiree and Whalsay have been busy working on their 50 things to do outdoors before you leave Isobel Mair School.

It was such a lovely day on Tuesday 6th May that they decided to put a tent and walk bare foot in the grass.

This was a great learning experience for the pupils as they had to collaborate and problem solve with each other.

Listen as they discuss their day during mAIRwavesFM.

Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning at IMS

Classes Cumbrae, Arran, Sanda and Bute took advantage of the sunshine yesterday and moved their classrooms outdoors. 

Some classes were participating in games and others were experiencing the wonder of nature and caring for their environment, looking after the plants in the sensory garden. 


I explore and appreciate the wonder of nature within different environments and have played a part in caring for the environment.
SOC 0-08a

I am learning to use my body well, exploring how to manage and control it and find out how to use and share space.
HWB 0-21a


StarGaze Drama

FAME JR………………………………

Congratultions to all the pupils who took part in last night’s premier of “Fame JR” at Eastwood Theatre.

I’m sure you will agree that everyone was amazing and all the hard work definetly paid off.

We had young people who were nervous but keen to get on stage, and others who wanted to prove to themselves that they could do it, and they surely did with a standing ovation at the end.

Miss Antelmi (Director) and Mr Hay (Musical Director) would like to thank everyone for all their support during the weekly drama sessions, supporting our young people to become confident individuals and successful learners.

Click here to see some photographs from FAME

This is a weekly after school club organised and run by volunteers from school staff, however, the principles of the drama group still tie in with a CfE and here are some of the experiences and outcomes that they have been working towards this year:


  • I have created and presented scripted or improvised drama, beginning to take account of audience and atmosphere
  • I have experienced the energy and excitement of presenting/performing for audiences and being part of an audience for other people’s presentations.


  • I know that friendship, caring, sharing, fairness and equality and love are important in building positive relationships. As I develop and value relationships, I care and show respect for myself and others.
  • I recognise that each individual has a unique blend of abilities and needs. I contribute to making my school community one that values individuals equally and is a welcoming place for all.
  • Through contributing my views, time and talents, I play a part in bringing change in my school and wider community.

Fame Rehearsal

Fame Jr

Rehearsals are going well for the Stargaze drama groups performance of Fame Jr.

All the pupils are excited and finally all their hard work is paying off.

Today they had rehearsals in Eastwood Theatre and performed to the rest of the school, prior to this evening’s premier.

Tickets still available if you wish to join us this evening at 7pm.

Fame Jr


Stargaze Drama group are performing Fame Jr at Eastwood Theatre on Thursday 8th May 7pm.

Come along and support the pupils who attend the weekly drama group from 3-4pm.

They have been working really hard during rehearsals and keen to perform to a live audience in an actual theatre.

Tickets are available priced £3 from school or you may be able to purchase tickets at the door but can’t be gauranteed as tickets selling fast.

Everyone welcome

50 Outdoor Challenges


50 Outdoor Challenges before you leave IMS

Some of our senior classes took advantage of the sunshine on Tuesday and completed two of their 50 outdoor challenges before they leave Isobel Mair School.

Challenge 1 was to help put up a tent………….

Challenge 2 was to walk on grass barefoot………….

The pupils split into groups and discussed how to put up the tent before they put their plan into action. Have a look at the photgraphs below to see how much fun, learning and collaboration took place.

The pupils also took part in some other challenges which incorporated team work, challenge, collaboration and problem solving. A great day of fun and learning.

Fashion Show

Fashion Show

Preparations are well under way for the fashion show taking place this evening organised by the pupils from classes Yell and Shetland.

Both classes have been busy working and organising their premier couture fashion show.
As well as modelling the clothes on the night, the students have been involved in the process of designing and making couture fashion items.

Tote bags designed by the pupils will also be on sale on the night.

 So please come along and support the pupil council who are rasing funds to buy a pottery wheel and kiln for the school.

Where         The Mod @IMS    

Date            Monday 24th March

Time            6:00pm – 8:00pm

Price          £3

Tickets can be purchased at the door this evening and we also have a raffle and tombola prizes with a great bottle stall.

Sport Relief 2014

Get Fit with Sport Relief

As part of Sport Relief 2014 we are  having the Special Olympics themed in a Sports Relief style. 

Activities are well underway at IMS with the assistance of our Active Sports Coaches.

Lots of fun activites, including the sport relief dance, athletic stations, Akka races, outdoor trails and cycle rides.

Have a look at our photographs below.

Fashion Show

The Pupil Council Need You!



Have you got your tickets yet for the event of the year………….

Classes Yell and Shetland have been busy working and organising their premier couture fashion show.
As well as modelling the clothes on the night, the students have been involved in the process of designing and making couture fashion items.

Tote bags designed by the pupils will also be on sale on the night.

 So please come along and support the pupil council who are rasing funds to buy a pottery wheel and kiln for the school.

Where         The Mod @IMS    

Date            Monday 24th March

Time            6:00pm – 8:00pm

Price          £3

Click here for more information

A tombola and raffle will be available on the night and you can also sponsor some of our male staff members to have a sponsored leg wax………………

Floatsation Training

IMS Staff are looking forward to having Floatsation Training today.

Floatsation aids allow swimmers with Special needs to be independent and more confident in the water active learning curve towards becoming an independent swimmer.Floatsation can enable everyone to have fun in the water in a safe and confident way. It enables users to have fun while still allowing them to develop:

The effectiveness of each buoyancy aid keeping the swimmer in the water instead of above the water helps to boost essential water confidence.

  • Confidence

  • Increased Self Esteem

  • Independence

  • Aquatic Skills

  • Water awareness

  • Spatial awareness

  • Team Skills

  • Relaxation in water

  • General relaxation

  • Safe exercise in water for all abilities and ages

Fashion Show

Hot off the Press………..


Have you got your tickets yet for the event of the year………….

Classes Yell and Shetland have been busy working and organising their premier couture fashion show.
As well as modelling the clothes on the night, the students have been involved in the process of designing and making couture fashion items.
Tote bags designed by the pupils will also be on sale.

Where         The Mod @IMS    

Date            Monday 24th March

Time            6:00pm – 8:00pm

Price          £3

Click here for more information

A tombola and raffle will be available on the night and you can also sponsor some of our male staff members to have a sponsored leg wax………………


Cinderella Performance


Some of our pupils attend the Saturday morning “Glee Drama Club” and are starring in the Cinderella Show at Eastwwod Park Theatre on Saturday 22nd February at 6pm.

Please come along for a fun evening and support the wonderful performance from pupils who have been rehearsing really hard.

Tickets are priced at £3