Sensory Garden

Do you have green fingers?

Thanks to some of our parents, our sensory garden is looking great.The Big Dig

Do you have green fingers and some free time? The Parent Gardening Club are looking for more parent volunteers to help out in the sensory garden on 20th Oct at 10am.

If you can make it, either let the school know via the home/school diary or just turn up on the morning.

We look forward to seeing you.




Transition Planning – Parent Engagement Seminar


What does a good like look like after school?

This parent engagement session allows you to think about your children leaving school and what the next steps are in the process.

A reminder that the  session for parents of 4th, 5th and 6th year pupils will take place this evening, Tuesday 22nd September 2015, 6:00 – 8:30pm at Isobel Mair School.

Our guest speakers include;
Isobel Mair School and Social Work Team
Local Are Co0ordinator Team
Child Development Worker – SDS Forum
Transitions Co-ordinator
Guest Parent Speaker who has been through the transition process.

Click on the link for more information.

To book a place please contact:

Louise McClelland,
Local Area Co-ordinator
t: 0141 620 0287
m: 07889456270

Diary dates for October

Dates for October

Tuesday 6th October        Harvest Service 10:30 @ NMBC

Tuesday 6th October        Coffee and Chat 1.30-2.30

Friday 9th October            School Closed INSET

Monday 12th Friday –      School closed
16th October

Monday 19th October School reopens


Health & Wellbeing Conference

We were the host school for the International Health & Wellbeing Conference with Education Scotland this afternoon.

Our visitors were welcomed by our Head Boy, Girl and school Captain and then took our visitors on a tour of the school.

They explained some of the work that has taken place in the school re Health & Wellbeing and talked about the display work along the corridors.


MacMillan Coffee Morning

Thank you to everyone who came to support our coffee morning.

It was lovely to see everyone and delighted that some of our old members of staff came to say hello.

Thank you to everyone who donated home baking, it was delicious and much appreciated.

Congratulations to all our raffle winners including Margaret, our nursing support assistant who won the delicious chocolate cake donated and made by Kat McInness.

Loch Ness staff and pupils all worked so hard organising the event and I’m sure you will agree that it’s been a great success.

We are delighted to tell you that we have raised the magnificent some of over £630.

Thank You


MacMillan Coffee Morning

MacMillan Coffee Morning

Loch Ness classes are all set and ready for the MacMillan Coffee Morning.

We also have some home baking,  a raffle, delicious chocolate cake, mugs and herbs for sale.

Reels on wheels will also perform for everyone at the end.

We look forward to seeing you.

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Thank You

Many thanks to Napiershall Formula Ltd for the £50 donation to school funds.

Napiershall Formula Ltd were part of the group of visitors who toured the school last week  with the Hope foundation, Saudi Arabia.

NDCS Listening Bus

P9171253The listening bus is at Isobel Mair School.

The sensory support service have arranged for the Listening Bus to be at the school and accessed by all schools across the authority.

This will help raise awareness and bring  information  to deaf children & young people across East Renfrewshire.



International Visitors


Yesterday our Head Boy and one of the prefects welcomed international visitors from New Zealand and Australia to the school and Family Centre.
Our visitors were accompanied by colleagues from  Strathclyde University, working alongside Undergraduate and PostGraduate Early Years students.
They had a tour of the school and Family Centre to see CfE in action.

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Eco School

Eco Schools

This morning we are having a visit to the school and Family Centre from  Eco School Scotland  re our Green Flag application.

Our visitors will have a tour of the school, school grounds to see all the great work we have been doing in the school and Family Centre.

Some of the topics we have looked at include:-
* Litter
* Waste management – recycling paper & cartridges, composting
reducing paper.
* School grounds – outdoor learning, wildlife and developing garden

We will keep you updated.