Tag Archives: virtual nature schools

Virtual Nature Schools – Water

by Miss Liddell

During our Virtual Nature School journey, we explored the theme of water.

We asked the children to think about places where they might find water. They had lots of great ideas such as in rivers,  seas, ponds, “in our taps” and “in bottles.” One child shared:

“When it rains and then I can jump in big puddles!”

The children then decided they wanted to play outside in the puddles and explore the water. However, we had one BIG problem…it wasn’t raining! Somebody suggested:

“We could do a rain dance and make it rain!”

This led to a whole range of creative learning experiences. We watched videos of Native Americans doing a rain dance,  we made headdresses and we explored and played musical instruments.

“Where did he get those big feathers? What’s that called?”
“I doing rainbow colours!”

The children were disappointed when their rain dance did not work so we discussed the water cycle to understand how rain is made.

We learned lots of new vocabulary such as evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection.

We also did some fun experiments to see how the water cycle worked.

“Boiling water is hot. It will burn you!”
“The water is blue.”
“This ice is slippery!”
“We made a puddle!”
“That is condensation!”


Virtual Nature Schools

by Miss Chrystal 

We have recently introduced the Virtual Nature School program within our centre. This term, we have been using natural resources to develop speech and language skills through a range of activities, all led by the children’s interests. 

The children have developed their communication skills through a variety of different water and mud play experiences.  This has enabled the children to explore new vocabulary,  talk about their ideas and think about how things change within the natural environment.


The children have been exploring the different ways  that we can experiment with water and colour change. We  made our own clouds and rain using shaving foam and food colouring.

“The blue is sinking to the bottom!”

The children became confident at using a range of resources such as pipettes and paintbrushes. They were able to describe the change of state when the ice melted and also describe the colour changes that took place in the water.  

“The yellow one is turning green!”
The tissues are rainbow coloured now!”

We also explored different pictures of water experiences and the children discussed of what they associate each picture with:

“I see water at the park.” “ I go swimming.”  “When it is raining, I can jump in puddles.”


The second element we explored was mud. The children led their own learning within this block with staff observing the children’s play. We were fortunate that it rained so we put on our wellies and waterproofs and went to play in the mud. 

“Look, muddy puddles! I am jumping so high to make a huge splash!”

The children were engrossed in their play. They used their imaginations and they were confident to express their ideas and interests. They created their own mud paint as well as using paper to create muddy footprints from their wellies.  

“I need more mud so it goes darker!”

The children developed their confidence by talking and exploring a variety of vocabulary when asked to describe the texture of the mud.

“It is squelchy!”

“The rain has made it all gooey and sticky!”