Sharing Stories Together

by Mrs Silvester and Miss Zangrande

Sharing books with children is a great way to help children develop language and communication skills. Books can introduce topics to children to help them to understand the world around them. The children have enjoyed creating their own story books. The adults scribed the children’s stories and colourful illustrations were added by the authors.  There was much excitement when the stories were read aloud and shared with friends.


The children made a cardboard box setting and sock puppets to act out the stories to their friends as the audience. The children’s interest continued making and using puppets to act out scenes of traditional tales and stories, adding character movement and props to the story.


While at the woods the children collected sticks and leaves to help put together a story scene for the Gruffalo using another cardboard box. We added material to our woodland scene and finally brought the puppets and story book to life. They enjoyed retelling and acting out the story of the Gruffalo in the deep dark woods together enhancing their learning.

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