Recycled Art, Modelling and Up-cycling

We are always in need of resources for our junk modelling area and would be grateful for any donations of:

  • small boxes and tubs (plastic or cardboard)
  • cardboard kitchen rolls
  • plastic lids, bottle tops, margarine lids, etc
  • ribbons, string, wool, buttons, sequins, material scraps
  • anything else of an interesting shape or feel from your recycling box

Many thanks for your donations.

Junk modelling or recycled art is being creative with materials that would otherwise be discarded. Junk modelling construction gives children the freedom to build what they want with the addition of resources like tape and glue. 

Modelling with recycled resources encourages higher order thinking. Children can work on their own or co-operate with others, learning to explore and share ideas. When they create something new it can build self confidence and boost self-esteem. Junk modelling is all about the learning process rather than the end product.

Here are some examples of what we have made so far this term:

Shoebox masks
Fire Engine
A chair
Laptop computer
Apple box keyboard


Donated cable drums have also been up-cycled to make tables for our indoor role play areas and outdoor areas. We measured offcuts of cloth, cut them to size and stapled them to the cable drum surface.

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