Tag: Pupils

Online exercises from cameron Taekwondo

We have received the information below from Cameron Taekwondo and as it’s from our community, and a parent, we thought we would give you the opportunity to join in if you so wished.
The team at Cameron Taekwondo are delighted to advise that we will be running online family friendly exercise classes every Monday and Thursday, these sessions are completely free of charge and open to absolutely anyone who wants to join us, please share with any friends, family and neighbours that you think would be interested.  After piloting the classes for the last week, we received very positive feedback and would like to now share the link that will allow you to join us every week.
Mr. Cameron, who has over 22 years of experience will be running the classes in a way that make it suitable for all ages and fitness levels.
Class Days : Mondays & Thursdays online through Zoom
Class Time : 5.30pm
Class Duration : 15-20 mins
Class Fee : Free
We look forward to seeing you there. The link to join is below.
Richard Cameron is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Richard Cameron’s Zoom Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 5767 7427

Remote Learning and Spring Holidays

Dear Parent/ Carer,
We hope that all of our families and children are keeping as well as possible through these challenging days. As a school and indeed wider community, these are unique times we are living through and ones which are placing a wide range of difficulties and pressures upon us all. First and foremost therefore, we want to continue to support our families as best we possibly can on the road ahead. All our social, emotional and physical health & wellbeing must remain first priorities and if you feel that there is anything that we can help with, please do not hesitate to contact the school. Our school email address is the best place to start contact through:
For the Spring Break, our provision of remote learning through Google Classrooms and the school website and twitter feeds will stop after today; they will of course resume again on Monday 20th April. Our key worker families have already been contacted regarding school provision during the holidays (at Eastwood High School and Crookfur Nursery) but if there are any further questions please do not hesitate to ask.
We wish you and your families all the very best of health in the coming weeks,
Kind regards,
Giffnock Primary School

Cancellation of school activities

Regrettably extra-curricular activities at this point in time and for the foreseeable future are cancelled.  This will include all lunchtime and after school clubs, swimming lessons, bikeability lessons and the P7 Cluster Multi-Sports event at Woodfarm High School next week.

In addition whole school gatherings have been cancelled for the foreseeable future.  This will include any parental assemblies, our Community Café and our end of year Church Service.

Water Bottles

Could we please remind you to provide a water bottle for your child for their wellbeing and to keep them hydrated.  Water fountains are available in school but we are finding that many pupils do not bring a suitable container to utilise the fountains.

We are regularly providing paper cups for pupils throughout the school day and are mindful of the environmental impact of this.

Parent Council Spring Fling Disco

We are looking forward to our annual “Spring Fling Disco” taking place on:

Thursday 12th March,

P1&2         6-7pm

P3,4&5      7.15-8.15pm.

Tickets are £3 and this includes drinks. As always, we welcome any parent helpers, please indicate your availability on the form which is being sent home today with your child.

Please return forms and money by Tuesday 10th March to class teachers.

Healthier Minds resources and information for families

We are delighted to share the recent launch of East Renfrewshire Council’s Healthier Minds resource for families which seeks to address different ways we can work together to support our families and young people.

For further information on this we have included links below:-



In addition, East Renfrewshire Council are also planning an awareness raising event for Parents/Carers on this, so further information will be shared shortly.

We would also like to extend an invite to another Giffnock Family Support Team session in school on

Thursday 12th March at 9 am.

All welcome.

The theme will be around supporting childrens’ mental and emotional health with Mr McGee our Educational Psychologist present and Ms McLeod from our school staff presenting.

Should you have any questions or are interested in coming along to our school session please contact the school office.

Talking Homework

In school this week we are celebrating Reading Week and World Book Day. The children will be participating in a variety of literacy rich activities throughout the week and will have the opportunity to dress up as their favourite character or in their pyjamas on Friday 6th March.

This week we have prepared a Talking Homework focused on the Share a Million Stories campaign and the Read Aloud event. Please follow the link below for access.


More information about Share a Million Stories can be found here – https://www.worldbookday.com/share-a-million-stories/

World Book Day 6th March

Due to an unforeseen clash in our school calendar, and in order to avoid some of our children missing out on the event due to trips out of school and swimming lessons that week, we are moving the date upon which we will celebrate World Book Day at Giffnock Primary to Friday 6th March.


As previously shared, all of our children are welcome to come to school that day wearing a costume of a character from a favourite story, or alternatively in pyjamas/ dressing gowns.

After School Clubs

Emails have now been sent to parents/carers of children who have secured a place with our popular After School Clubs for this term. If you have not received an email we are sorry to say that on this occasion your child has not been successful.

If your child has been allocated a place with our After School Clubs, our expectation is that your child will attend. Please note that all children must be prepared to attend weekly and not withdraw from these clubs. The coaches are responsible for the children in their care and any absences must be accounted for.  In the unlikely event that your child is unable to attend any session could we please ask you to telephone the school office beforehand (we cannot accept a child’s notification to the class teacher) and this will then be marked on the club register for that day.  Without your assistance our administrative staff have to telephone parents/carers to ascertain the whereabouts of their child and with more pupils than ever taking part in after school clubs this can be a very time consuming task.

We wish to remind parents/carers that although most of our After School Clubs are held within the school, we do have some that are held in other locations.  If the club is not located at Giffnock Primary it is the responsibility of parents/carers to make sure arrangements have been made for your child to make their way to their club and also for leaving the club to go home.  This particularly relates to the Boys Football Club held at Woodfarm High School pitches on Mondays after school.  We would also like to clarify that if your child requires any medication/inhaler at a club held at another location this should be given to your child from your home supply as medication held in school cannot be transported.

Cancellation of Burns Family Night and Ceilidh

Thank you to those who have requested tickets for the Burns Family Night & Ceilidh, unfortunately on this occasion we have taken the difficult decision to cancel the event.
We sold 21 adult tickets & 27 kids tickets for food & dancing and 12 for dancing only.  The revenue from these tickets would not be sufficient to cover the associated costs of the event and while we don’t run events solely for the purpose of fundraising and believe that the community benefit is just as important, we cannot risk running an event which would incur a loss.  We are fortunate that our suppliers; Marianna’s Catering & Chitterybite Ceilidh Band will not charge us for late cancellation.
A large percentage of the tickets sold were bought by members of the Parent Council and those involved in the organising of this event. These individuals would have also had to run the event on the night.
We do welcome any feedback and have tried to adjust this year’s event based on feedback from last year with regards to timings, venue and price.  As you can appreciate, a great deal of work goes into planning and organising these events and we do want to hold events that meet the needs and interests of our community.  If you have any suggestions or feedback  please feel free to contact the Parent Council on GiffnockPC@hotmail.co.uk
The revenue from last year’s event paid for one term of after school clubs which are provided by Parent Council funds. In order to try and avoid any loss of these activities for the children, we will be running a raffle as we have some great prizes which have been generously donated by local businesses. Look out for tickets and a list of the fantastic prizes this week in school bags and please support! The raffle will be drawn after school on the 31st January at the Community Cafe.
If you have paid for ceilidh tickets the money will either be handed back in person or you will receive an email to arrange collection from the school office.
Giffnock Primary Parent Council

Free taster swimming lessons

Swimming Development Programme: Free Taster Swimming Lessons

East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure Swimming Development are looking for children aged 4 to 12 years to come along to FREE Lessons again.

Our existing swimming teachers are upskilling to a higher level of swimming qualification run by the National Governing Body Scottish Swimming.

If you are interested in bringing your children along to our free taster swimming lessons at Barrhead Foundry, being taught by our probationary teachers, then please see dates and times below.

Saturdays 22, 29 February and 14 March.
Sundays 9, 23 February, 01 and 15 March
Times as follows:-
Saturdays-11.30am-12.00pm, 12.00pm-12.30pm, 12.30pm-1.00pm and 1.00pm-1.30pm.
Sundays-12.30pm-1.00pm and 1.00pm-1.30pm 1.30pm-2pm and 2.00pm-2.30pm

Please choose which time slots you would like, (you can attend more than one session)

You can contact Barrhead Foundry and add your child’s name onto the list by calling 0141 580 1174, 577 3636 or 577 3562 or pop into the centre and put their name down on the list.

Giffnock Primary Panic Room!



Dear Parent & Carer 


Back in Term 1 the P6 & P7 children were asked to consider what kind of activities they would like to experience as part of school fundraisers. You will be aware that the children in P6 & P7 children enjoyed a movie night last term from which the feedback was really positive. One of the other suggestions that was really popular was for the children to take part in a Panic Room event.  We would love to offer this for the kids and the proposed date which has been agreed is Thursday 26th March that evening in the school.


So what on earth is a panic room…. ? 


The children would be divided into smaller groups and would face a series of challenges in order to work out a code that “unlocks” them from the panic room. The challenges could be mathematical, logical, physical etc and they will need to work together as a team to solve them. 


If you think that this is something that your child would enjoy we would love for you get involved.  As you can imagine, events like these take quite a bit of planning and we already have quite a full calendar and a small fundraising committee. Basically, we need your help!  If we can get a small team of P6/7 parents together to help plan and design the event as well as volunteers to help on the night then  we would be able to go ahead with this great idea! 


Please do get in touch by email GiffnockPC@hotmail.co.uk or text 07855 953906 to offer your help. 


Thanks in advance for your support. 


Kind regards, 


The Parent Council