Tag: Pupils

seasons for growth




Seasons for Growth is an educational programme which aims to build the resilience of children and young people who are dealing with significant loss or change.

The death of a loved one, parental divorce or separation, moving to a new house or school… big changes like these can cause confronting and confusing emotions. Seasons for Growth helps children and young people to develop the language needed to express their feelings, and gives them a safe place to talk about them.

Seasons for Growth was designed with reference to developmental psychology, ensuring that activities are appropriate and relevant to the age and stage of participants. It has been adapted to a learning framework to be an educational programme. It is not therapy, but it is therapeutic.

In Giffnock Primary we have a number of trained companions who run small groups for children wishing to participate. If you would like to know more about this programme you can follow the link below or call school and ask to speak to Mrs.Carney of the Support for Pupils team.


Dyslexia Scotland Meeting

Dyslexia Scotland – Glasgow East Ren Branch

Parents, Pupils and Teachers are welcome to our OPEN MEETING on MONDAY 11th September 2017

Parents Perspective with Shona Cook & Breakout Groups

7.15pm-8.15pm Mearns Castle High School,

Newton Mearns G77 5GU


Email Address is: dyslexiascotland.er@gmail.com

Dyslexia Scotland 01786 446650


Helpline phone number: 0344 800 84 84


Lunch menu change Thursday june 22


As part of our school Healthy Eating promotion events, our Primary 5s designed a healthy menu for the day.

The pupils had to use favourite healthy options from current menus and to redesign them with a twist in the theme of Superhero (from our recent school show).

After much deliberation, as the standard of entries was very high, our catering team and staff chose Katie Stewart’s entry. Katie’s winning entry will be sold this Thursday (22nd June) at school lunches.

Please note that the winning menu is shown below and will replace the scheduled menu which is currently shown online.

Super Lunch

Super Starters:
  • Villain vegetable soup
  • Cruella crudities
  • Booming bread
Marvel Mains:
  • Flying fish fingers with powerful potatoes
  • Beastly beans on toast & super salad
  • Supersonic spaghetti (tomato spaghetti)
Daring desserts:
  • Fierce fruit
  • Roaring strawberry yoghurts


  • Flash’s summer fruit muffin

Filling station for p4-7 still available


end of term information letter


Dear Parent/Carer,

Please find letter from the Head Teacher attached.

End of Term Information Letter June 2017

Please note that the sale of Film/DVD and Programmes is not being co-ordinated through the School Office.  If you wish to purchase any of these items please ask your child to keep the envelope with the cash on them and they will be given an opportunity to go to a point of sale during the school day – please do not bring cash or envelopes directly into the School Office.

Giffnock Primary School

Mary’s meals

The RRS committee would  like to  remind  children to bring in any back-packs or items that can be put in a bag in support of Mary’s Meals – all items will be gratefully received anytime now (class teachers are keeping items in the classroom).  Children will be involved in the convoy loading the van! Pickup Tuesday 20th June at 11.30.

Any loose change for bottles welcome too.

Thank you for your support.

ice pole sales for charity

Due to the success of their charitable venture, the P3 children, as part of their learning on Numeracy and Financial Education,  are going to continue to sell Calypso ice lollies  for charity.

The children will be selling these at break times again, throughout next week, Monday to Thursday, 19th to 22nd June. The ice lollies cost 30p (limited to one per child per day). Please note these ice lollies are suitable for vegetarians; should you wish for further information on ingredients you can visit: http://www.mr-freezepops.co.uk/

As promised, the final total along with information on the chosen charity/ies will be shared via twitter.


P7 Leaving ceilidh

The P7 Leaving Ceilidh will take place on Wednesday 21st June.  Pupils should arrive at approximately 6.55pm via the ramp entrance to the school for the Ceilidh to start promptly at 7.00pm.

During the course of the evening formal photographs will be taken and a separate letter has been sent home with your child which you should return if you wish them to participate and purchase a photograph.

The evening will finish at 9.00pm and parents/carers are invited to join in the final part of the Ceilidh.  Parents/Carers can enter via the ramp entrance to the school at 8.45pm to join the celebrations for the last 10 – 15 minutes.

We hope that everyone has an enjoyable evening.

Giffnock Primary School

Staffing at Giffnock Primary School

I am writing to inform you of a change in staffing; this would have been included in the last newsletter however was not fully confirmed in time to do so.

Lorna Bruce will be leaving her class teacher position with Giffnock Primary School at the end of this school year. Lorna has accepted the offer of a promoted post with Renfrewshire Authority beginning in August 2017.

Lorna has given a great deal to Giffnock Primary over an extended period of time and whilst we are very sad that she is leaving, this is an exciting new challenge for her and one that we wish her all the very best of success with.

A number of our families have worked with Lorna over her time at Giffnock and I felt it important to let you know now, so that you would have the same opportunity to say any ‘goodbyes’ that you wish, as with the other members of staff that were mentioned in the May/ June Newsletter.

Rob Lawson

change to lunch menu 14 june 2017

SUMMER BBQ – Wednesday 14th JUNE

Change of menu on Wednesday 14 June


Crudities with Dip


BBQ Pizza

Potato Wedges

Roast Vegetables

Baked Potato with quorn pieces in BBQ Sauce

Beef Burgers with toasted Burger Bun and served with summer salad


Fruit Kebabs

(Filling station available as normal for all P4 – 7s)

P4 to P7 Dress rehearsal Tuesday 13 june at Eastwood Theatre



Please see important information attached regarding the school show.

Would parents/carers please provide a packed lunch for their child(ren) on Tuesday 13th June 2017.  It would be appreciated if no child has a home lunch on the day of the dress rehearsal.

There will be no hot lunches available for Upper School pupils on Tuesday 13th June 2017.  If your child is entitled to a Free School Meal then a packed lunch will be made available on request by PRE-ORDERING through the class teacher on FRIDAY 9TH JUNE.

Show Parent letter P4-P7 details of changing rooms and pick up and map

Tuesday 13 June Dress Rehearsal for School show at Eastwood theatre


P1-P3 will have an early lunch on the above date and then walk to Eastwood Theatre, leaving school at 12.00pm.  They will then be able to view the dress rehearsal for the school show.  Pupils will then walk back to school, leaving the theatre at 2.30pm and arrive back to be dismissed at the normal time of 3.00pm.

It would be appreciated if no child has a home lunch on the day of the dress rehearsal.

We would appreciate assistance with walking the children to Eastwood Theatre and therefore if you are able to help accompany the classes for the walk could you please telephone the school office in order that a list can be prepared.  You would be required to report to the school office for approximately 11.50am to walk with the pupils.  You can either wait at the theatre (unfortunately you will not be able to see the Dress Rehearsal but there is a nice coffee shop in the entrance) or return to the theatre at 2.30pm to walk the pupils back for normal dismissal at 3.00pm.  If you can only walk the pupils one way this would also be appreciated but please point this out to the office staff when telephoning.



Would parents/carers please provide a packed lunch on the dates above for your child(ren).  If your child is entitled to a Free School Meal this will be available on request.

Further information regarding the show is being issued in a separate email.

P3 Numeracy and Financial Education – Ice Lollies for Charity

As part of Primary 3’s learning on Numeracy and Financial Education, the children are selling Calypso Ice lollies (Mr Freeze Pops and Star Wars), for charity.

The children will be selling these at break times on Wednesdays 7th and 14th June, and Fridays 9th and 16th June. The ice lollies will cost 30p (limited to one per child per day). Please note these ice lollies are suitable for vegetarians; should you wish for further information on ingredients you can visit http://www.mr-freezepops.co.uk/

A final total along with information on the chosen charity will be shared via twitter.

Mary’s Meals Backpack Project and pennies in a bottle

Mary’s Meals Backpack Project helps children from poor families to attend school in countries like Liberia and Malawi. Very often these families cannot afford to buy basic things like pencils and notebooks, or even suitable clothes to wear to school and so children miss out on an education.

Mary’s Meals will send the backpacks to the children, enabling them to receive an education that will help them escape poverty in later life. When children attend school they also get one meal a day which the mums make while their child is learning.

We can help by adding items to backpacks and donating them to the children. Full details are in the attached letter:

Marys Meals letter

Giffnock Primary School Show P4 – P7

We are delighted to announce that tickets for our show will be on sale at Eastwood Theatre Box Office and through the online ticketing system from Monday 22nd May. Tickets will be restricted to 2 per customer for the first week only. From Monday 29th May, the remaining tickets will be sold on a first come, first served basis. All tickets are priced at a very reasonable flat-rate of £5. We are expecting a high demand for tickets so it is advisable to book quickly to avoid disappointment!

Please see the attached letter for full details:

School Show-Parent letter May 2017

Free School Meal Entitlement and Pupil Equity Funding

The Scottish Executive has recently provided significant funding to schools across Scotland in order to further support equity in learning for all children. The Executive decided to base the amount that each school received upon the number of children with a Free School Meal entitlement and their intention is to continue this funding for at least a further three years.

If your child is eligible for a Free School Meal entitlement, we would encourage you to register for this as not only will it provide that benefit for your own child, it will also result in additional funding through the Pupil Equity Fund being provided to Giffnock Primary School.

Within our cluster, we are aiming to raise the profile of this entitlement and Woodfarm High School has put together a flier which details relevant information; whilst some of the details on it are specific to Woodfarm, it does provide clear and useful guidance.

If you would like any further information or support with the process, our school office can assist you further in this matter.

Click on the links below for further information.

Pupil Equity Fund Parental Letter May 17

PEF FME request Flyer