Seasons for Growth is an educational programme which aims to build the resilience of children and young people who are dealing with significant loss or change.

The death of a loved one, parental divorce or separation, moving to a new house or school… big changes like these can cause confronting and confusing emotions. Seasons for Growth helps children and young people to develop the language needed to express their feelings, and gives them a safe place to talk about them.

Seasons for Growth was designed with reference to developmental psychology, ensuring that activities are appropriate and relevant to the age and stage of participants. It has been adapted to a learning framework to be an educational programme. It is not therapy, but it is therapeutic.

In Giffnock Primary we have a number of trained companions who run small groups for children wishing to participate. If you would like to know more about this programme you can follow the link below or call school and ask to speak to Mrs.Carney of the Support for Pupils team.