Information from the Headteacher is attached below:
Category: Parents
Children from Nursery moving to P1
Your child will be starting at Primary School in August 2020 and therefore we attach a project and information regarding transition.
Upcoming Connect Q&A for parents with Enquire and Skills Development Scotland
Resources Available Through ERC Culture and Leisure
Stay Active at Home
Sports Challenges
Online Reading Group
P4A Staffing Change
Please see letter attached from the Head Teacher regarding staffing changes for P4A.
P7 Transition
Free School Meals
Health and Wellbeing Information
Save The Children Activity Pack for young children
Save the Children have developed a home learning pack which is aimed at parents with a child aged 3-6 years old. It contains information on how talk about Coronavirus to children, play based learning activities for children and information for parents.
Education Scotland Newsletter
Remote Learning Parental Responses
Please find attached a detailed summary of the evaluations on our recent survey regarding Remote Learning.
Nursery Parent Survey
Nursery only
Railway Safety
Network Rail has launched a new awareness-raising campaign to warn against trespassing on the railway. There has been increasing levels of trespass on the railway during the current lockdown period. Over 70 trespass incidents have been recorded on Scotland’s Railway since March 20, when Scotland’s schools closed ahead of the full lockdown on March 23. Trespass is proving to be an issue across the country including locations in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Fife, Lanarkshire, Ayrshire, Renfrewshire, Perthshire, the Lothians and the Highlands. Incidents in just the last week include:
On May 2, two adults and a child were reported to be trespassing on the railway near Neilston and a male trespasser was on the line in Dunfermline.
On May 1, two young people were spotted trespassing near Dalgety Bay station and a male trespasser crossed the line near Dalmeny.
On April 30, a group of teens delayed trains after trespassing on the line near Coatdyke and three young people were spotted on the railway near Whifflet.
On April 28, three teens delayed trains near Hamilton West station and a male trespasser delayed services near Alexandra Parade in Glasgow.
Network Rail works closely with the British Transport Police to keep Scotland’s Railway secure and trespassers and vandals will be prosecuted. The public can also help to keep the railway safe by contacting Network Rail’s 24-hour helpline on 03457 114141 to report any locations where trespassers are gaining access to the tracks.
To find out more about the dangers of railway trespass, visit, the campaign led by Network Rail and the wider rail industry to address the issue of trespass on the railway.
Parental update
May 7th Inservice and May 8th Holiday:
Parental survey regarding Remote Learning:
School closure and next steps:
- Nursery to Primary 2: Monday 11th May, 12.30pm -2.30pm
- Primary 3 to Primary 5: Tuesday 12th May, 12.30pm -2.30pm
- Primary 6 to Primary 7: Wednesday 13th May, 12.30pm -2.30pm
Communication and support:
ERC Keep Your Eyes Open for Child Abuse and Neglect
Dear Parent / Carer
We have been asked by East Renfrewshire Council to share the information below with you:
Internet Safety at Home
Internet safety
Please find a letter attached with information about online sfaety.
NHS Thursday Night Clapping
Each Thursday evening at 8pm we show our appreciation for our NHS and key workers through a clap, which has become a very special weekly moment. The Music Education Partnership Group
(MEPG) is organising something extra special for Thursday 30th April. They are encouraging musicians all over Scotland to pick up their instruments and play “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”. MEPG have created backing tracks as well as parts for many instruments which you can find on their website as well as further information.
If you do not play a musical instrument but would like to take part you could make an instrument of your own to play on the evening or learn the song words to singalong. Let’s come together in a slightly different way this week to support our NHS and our key workers.
Kind regards,
The Giffnock Leadership Team
P7 video entry to French Competition
Giffnock values photo challenge
Please see attached for what we hope will be a fun and engaging family activity for all of our school community.