It’s that time of year already… yes, preparations are well underway for our annual Christmas Fayre which promises to be another great afternoon and a fabulous fundraising opportunity for the school community. As always, in order to make this event a success we rely on your generosity and time so please do get involved. Here are some suggestions of how you can help…
Raffle Tickets…get selling
These were a huge success last year and raffle sales raised over £1,500! Raffle tickets will be sent home in homework bags Monday 11th November. If you wish to sell even more then that is great, additional sheets can be collected from the school office or simply photocopy! Please return all raffle money and tickets to class teachers in sealed envelopes no later than Thursday 28th November.
Donations, your generosity is always appreciated
Donations can be made from Monday 11th November via class teachers. Please note any alcohol donations must be handed in to the school office. We are looking for the following items:
- Hampers
- Please donate an item to help create fabulous, envy inducing hampers. Popular items from last year were; prosecco, wine, jams, chutneys, biscuits and festive treats.
- Books & Toys
- A good opportunity for a festive clear out before Santa arrives. Please donate toys and books in good condition.
Friday 29th November
Kids can wear something festive to school and bring an item for our ever popular red stall. This is also when we start accepting your fabulous bakes for our Christmas cafe. Festive bakes, family bakes, treats for littles ones will be all gratefully received. If you are not much of a star baker, shop bought items also very popular…no judgement here!!! Donations for the Christmas Cafe can also be made on the morning of the Fayre.
Visit Santa
We are delighted that Santa is going to be visiting us again this year and we expect that he will be very popular with visitors to his grotto. To avoid disappointment, please book you child/children a space. Santa’s Giffnock Elves will be taking bookings in the playground. Booking times can be found on the noticeboard by the tunnel in front playground.
Do you own a company or work for a company who may be interested in sponsoring this event or part of it? Please get in touch. We would be happy to promote sponsors on the day and also on our social media platforms.
Thanks to all of those who have already volunteered their time and energy, we really appreciate it. There are still lots of jobs to be done and we do need your help! Please contact 07855 953906 to volunteer and get a friend involved too!
Thanks in advance!
We fully appreciate that we all lead very busy lives and that our children’s social calendars keep us even busier plus the added pressure and costs of Christmas – we don’t want to add to your load.
That said, these events simply couldn’t happen without your support, time and generosity, please do what you can. We look forward to seeing you on the day.
Oh, did we mention…. there’s a bar. Leave your cars at home. You deserve a treat, it’s Christmas after all….nearly.
From the Parent Council