
FAOL: Goal 11- Sustainable cities and communities

We have explored how me can make responsible choices each day to protect our environment and local community.

We were responsible citizens and have been recycling out rubbish within the class, as well as our food waste at lunch time.

We have investigated what living things need to grow, and the role plants and trees have in helping the environment.  We then participated actively when planting different plants, and demonstrated our understanding by watering them daily and ensuring they has sunlight.




IDL: Bug Characteristics

Throughout our theme, we have explored different bugs through watching the film ‘A Bug’s Life’.

We were successful learners and looked at the characteristics of bugs and focused our attention to sort images based on whether the bugs had legs or not.





IDL: Symmetry Butterflies

We had fun exploring the colourful patterns of different butterflies and participated actively to match images of butterflies with the same patterns.

We were successful learners and focused our attention to create our own symmetrical butterfly art. We painted a colourful pattern on one side of a butterfly, then folder the paper to copy it to the other side.

We loved opening the pictures to see the finished result!


FAOL: Goal 8- Decent work and economic growth

We explored different people who help us and the jobs that they do.

We were successful learners and focused our attention to watch videos demonstrating different jobs.

We then demonstrated our understanding by identifying who could help us in a range of different scenarios we might find ourselves in.



IDL: Sharing and Turntaking

We have enjoyed exploring the values of caring and sharing throughout our theme and worked together to build a tower of blocks. We were confident individuals and took turns to play a game of Jenga, focusing our attention to remember when it was out turn.





Pumpkin Fun

Today were were confident individuals and explored pumpkins to create some spooky lanterns for our class.

We were successful learners and touched the insides of the pumpkin, sharing if we liked or disliked the feeling. We all had great choosing when we picked our lantern designs and loved seeing the finished pumpkins!


Autumn Numeracy

We worked very hard today exploring number and addition.

We were confident individuals using our pincer grip to add pegs to pumpkins, then counted how many we had together to make numbers up to ten.



FAOL: ECO – Sharing our ECO Pledge

The Moonbeams have been learning why it is important to reduce, reuse and recycle.  We learned that if we are not RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS then sea life creatures suffer as litter can end up in the ocean and harm them. Take a look at our posters.


MacMillan Coffee Morning

The Daisies have been very busy today taking part in different activities to participate in Willowbank’s MacMillan coffee morning,


We were confident individuals and made choices to add toppings to a biscuit to make a face for the gingerbread man. We also worked hard to design our own caterpillar cake.

We were responsible citizens, making sure we shared each of the decorations with all of our classmates.


MacMillan Cancer Support

Confident Individuals    Effective Contributors

The Moonbeams have been busy decorating cakes and biscuits this week to help raise awareness for MacMillan Cancer Support. The pupils were demonstrating their pouring and spreading skills when decorating and best of all they got to eat them afterwards. Take a look at how creative their cake decorations are!

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