Higher Politics – Essay Structure and Marking Guidance
PAL- Different types of Power
Create political profiles about each of the following leaders-
· Boris Johnson · Jeremey Hunt · Michael Gove · Sajid Javid Include the following information in your fact file- ü Current job title and explanation of role ü Political experience ü Highly publicised political decisions which they have been involved in ü Public opinion ü Strengths of this individual as the potential Prime Minister ü Weaknesses of this individual as the potential Prime Minister |
After you have carried out this research and noted this information into your note pads, you must decide on which candidate you believe was best to hold the position of Prime Minister. This poster should contain all information listed.
If you finish this- you may complete your Power, Authority, Legitimacy revision poster!!
See you in August, have a nice summer! Miss G 🙂
Political Systems – Constitutions
What is a constitution?: video link
2. Sources of the UK Constitution
3. The Nature of the UK Constitution
4. US Constitution Reading Hwrk
6. Constitutions Essay – 12 marker
7. Constitutions Essay – 20 marker
8. The-myth-of-judicial-neutrality-USA
8. What-is-Judicial-Independence-Article
Complete the extended reading on the US Constitution (on the blog) and answer the following questions in detail.
1.Explain the difference between the reserved powers and concurrent powers outlined in the US Constitution.
2.Describe, in detail, the process of amending the Constitution of the USA.
3.Explain why the Constitution has been amended so little in the past 200 years.
4.For each branch of the government choose ONE way it can check another branch and, using examples, describe what the check is.
5.Why was limited government an important component of the Constitution for the Constitution Convention members?
6.Choose 3 ways in which the federal-state relationship has changed over time and describe the change in your own words.
Miss Devanney 😀
Political Theory
Essay plans12 mark Question Direct DemocracyPower, Authority, Legitimacy
5b-Charismatic-Authority & Legal-Rational
Handout- Democracy-Theorists & Features of Direct Democracy
Reading Direct & Representative Democracy:
Direct-Democracy & Representative Democracy
If you are absent please ensure you catch up on any notes missed.
Key Features of Representative Democracy
Key Features of Direct Democracy
12 mark Question Direct Democracy
PAL: 12 mark Power, 12 mark Authority & 20 mark PAL.
Democracy essay plans: 12 mark Direct, 12 mark Representative & 20 mark comparison of Representative & Direct
Political Ideologies:
Miss Gibson