October 29, 2024
Dear Parents & carers,
Our prelim diet takes place in November/ December this year. Prelims begin on Monday 25th November 2024.
Please find a copy of our prelim timetable here, with some important information about prelim exams on the last page. Please take time to read the important info below.
A copy was also emailed to pupils on 28/10/24.
Prelim TT 2024 V2
Full school uniform must be worn to all exams and when S4-6 pupils attend school at any time during the prelim diet. Outdoor jackets and any non-uniform
items must be removed in the exam hall, as they would be in class.
There is no Study Leave for prelim exams. All candidates should attend classes as usual unless they have a scheduled exam.
Candidates should ensure they know the location of each exam in advance and must check the seating lists in ‘The Street’ area from 8:40am to ensure they
know their seat number.
Candidates entitled to alternative assessment arrangements i.e. use of ICT or extra time will have alternative accommodation. These candidates should ensure
they know their individual arrangements in advance of each exam. Please see Mrs Hoy if you are unsure.
Candidates should arrive at least ten minutes before each exam to ensure they are seated and the assessment can begin promptly.
Candidates are responsible for bringing all necessary equipment such as pens, pencils and calculators. Paper will be provided.
Exam papers and candidate answers must be left in the exam hall and cannot be removed.
School transport will continue as normal during the prelim diet, as will canteen service. Pupils may need to take an earlier or later lunch depending on exam
times and should ensure they plan ahead for this.
If a candidate is unable to attend a scheduled exam due to serious illness or an emergency, parents/ carers should contact the school office on 01563 526 144
as soon as possible and leave a message stating the pupil name, year group, scheduled exam and reason for absence. Prelim exams cannot be rescheduled/
resat unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Exam locations:
Games Hall – the large gym hall, access at the Drama Studio, Fitness Suite and the Assembly Hall
Small Gym – the smaller gym next to the primary gym, access via corridor at PE
Support for Learning – if you are sitting an exam in an alternative location because you receive additional arrangements, report to Mrs Hoy before the exam
begins, across from the school library, if you are unsure where to go.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Buchanan (Miss Quigley)