St Joseph's Academy – East Ayrshire

Fidelis Justus Prudens

April 27, 2023

Cost of Living Support, Free School Meals and Clothing Grant

Dear Parents & Carers,


Please find important information below from Kimberley Cameron, our Financial Inclusion Officer. Kimberley can be contacted confidentially via telephone or email, details below.

Kimberley Cameron

Tel: 07407112089



Clothing Grant application deadline

Low-income families, including those in work, can get free school meals, milk and a school clothing grant to help towards buying school clothes for their children when receiving certain qualifying benefits (or meet an Immigration and Asylum criteria)

Clothing Grant

Clothing Grant applications for the current academic year 2022/23 need to be made by Friday 28th April 2023.

The applications for the next academic year 2023/24 will open on Monday 1st May 2023; the processing of these applications will not start until June.

Free School Meals

If your child qualifies for free school meals then they would be entitled to receive a two course meal worth £2.15 per day.

For the current year 2022/23 you can make an application up until the end of this term.

The applications for the next academic year 2023/24 will open on Monday1st May 2023. You need to apply each year, as the award is not continuous.

Check if you qualify and to apply online–

Clothing grants and free school meals · East Ayrshire Council (

Cost of Living – Extra Payments Available 

Including those in work, on a low income and entitled to certain benefits or tax credits

You may be entitled to up to 3 Cost of Living Payments of £301, £300 and £299, if you get any of the following benefits or tax credits on certain dates:

  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Working Tax Credit


The £301 paid

Between 25 April 2023 and 17 May 2023 for most people on DWP benefits

Between 2 and 9 May 2023 for most people on tax credits and no other low income benefits

Then following that-

£300 paid during autumn 2023 for most people

£299 paid during spring 2024 for most people


For further information visit:



April 19, 2023

SQA Exams 2023 and Study Leave

Dear Parents & Carers,
Please find important information below regarding SQA Exams that has been shared with S4-6 pupils via email. I have attached the Exam timetable and our revision programme below for your information.
If you have any queries about SQA Exams that are not answered below, please feel free to contact me via the school site here.
Kind Regards,
Angela Quigley (SQA Coordinator)
SQA Exams
SQA Exams begin on Monday 24th April. You will find our school exam timetable attached to this email. It is up to you to know the dates and times of your own exams, and turn up in plenty of time.
If you get additional exam arrangements, such as extra time, Mrs Hoy will issue you with a personalised timetable. Please see Mrs Hoy before Friday 21st April if you have not received this.
You must ensure you are at the exam location ten minutes before the exam start time. Seat numbers will be posted on the board in the street.
You must wear full school uniform to all SQA Exams.
There are no resits for SQA Exams. If you are unable to attend an SQA Exam due to an emergency, you or your parent & carer must make contact with the school (Miss Quigley) as early as possible.
Exams ending after school closure times and/ or on Bank Holidays
Important notice for pupils sitting Advanced Higher Biology, National 5 Spanish, Higher German, Advanced Higher English and National 5 Chemistry
You will notice on the Exam timetable that these exams end after the normal school closure time. Due to this, school transport will not be available.
Pupils affected should make alternative arrangements to travel home after these exams. Pupils should have NEC cards in order to access public buses free of charge.
Important notice for pupils sitting National 5 Art, Higher Art, National 5 Drama or Higher Drama 
You will notice on the Exam timetable that these exams take place on public holidays. Due to this, school transport and catering will not be available.
Pupils should make alternative arrangements to travel to and from school for these exams, such as using their NEC cards on public buses. A packed lunch is available for pupils on these days who are entitled to a free school lunch. Please make contact with us via the school website if you would like this to be arranged.
Study Leave and Revision Support
During Study Leave, we would recommend that you continue to attend school to study and seek support from your teachers. There is a programme of Revision Classes in place, please find details attached. You should attend the revision classes for all subjects you will sit an exam in. 
School buses and catering operate as normal during Study Leave. Break is at 10:30am and lunch is 13:15-14:00. You are free to leave school when an exam finishes.
If attending school during Study Leave for any reason, you must wear full school uniform.
You should return to school as normal on Monday 5th June and follow your new timetable for S5 or S6. You will be issued with your new timetable when you return to school.
National 3 & 4 Qualifications and Qualifications without exams
If you are working towards these qualifications and have not completed all units and coursework by Friday 21/4/23, you will need to attend school during study leave to complete these. Please speak to your class teacher to arrange this, otherwise the school will make contact with your parents & carers to get you in.
Leaving School
If you are leaving school, you must complete a Leavers Form (available from the School Office). You can do this after your last exam, or from Friday 21/4/23 if you do not have any exams.
I will share the information above with your parents & carers.
Please email me directly if you have any questions about SQA Exams or Study Leave.
Kind Regards,

Miss Quigley

March 30, 2023

Introducing our New Financial Inclusion Assistant, Kimberley Cameron

St Joseph’s Academy and the associated Primary Schools and Early Childhood Centres now have the services of a Financial Inclusion Assistant, Kimberley Cameron from East Ayrshire Council. Kimberley is offering free confidential advice to all families and pupils


Kimberley can provide advice regarding-

  • Free School Meals/Clothing Grants
  • Education Maintenance Allowance
  • Best Start Grants
  • Scottish Child Payment
  • Wider benefit entitlement in general
  • Support and representation to challenge benefit decisions
  • Support with Debts.


Kimberley can check your entitlement with you and support you to make claims or check on claims that you may be having problems with. Kimberley can also support you to access help with multiple debts or advice on fuel provision and energy savings.

The short video below provides more information on the support Kimberley can offer.


This service is confidential and you can contact Kimberley directly by calling 07407112089

or emailing



March 6, 2023

SQA Exams 2023

Dear Parents & Carers,
The information below was shared with pupils via Glow mail this morning.
The SQA Exams begin on Monday 24th April 2023. Including today, this leaves only 25 school days before the first exam.
Your exam revision and preparation should already be underway. I have attached some resources which may be helpful in your planning. Please find the following documents attached.
SQA Exam Timetable 2023
  1. Task – Make sure you know the dates and times of all your exams. Write them down or add them to your phone calendar.
    If you don’t know which level you are working at, you must speak to your teacher to ensure you are aware.
Supported Study Timetable 2022/23
      Task – identify the subjects/ levels you will attend over the coming weeks. You should consider going to supported study for all subjects, but you must attend the subjects where you need to improve.
Study Planner
      Task – You should have a plan in place for your study in all subject areas. A study planner can be an effective tool. I have attached a blank study planner from Mr Marr should you wish to use it.
Useful links
      Your teachers will advise you which websites and resources are most useful for each subject. I have also added a few useful sites below that you should be accessing regularly if you aren’t already.
SQA Past papers – Filter by subject & level to access all past papers and marking instructions online


BBC Bitesize – Study guides, videos & quizzes for all N5 and Higher subjects
e-Sgoil Study Support
Sing up for study support webinars delivered by experienced teachers. They also have an Easter Study programme you can register for. All sessions are online.
Please reply to this email if you have any questions about exams, studying or study support.
Kind Regards,
Miss Quigley

February 3, 2023

SQA Blog for Parents & Carers: Helping your child prepare for SQA Exams in 2023

Dear Parents & Carers,

The SQA has asked that we share details of their Parent & Carer Blog which will keep you updated with information about the services and support for learners as we approach the 2023 Exams. Please find the link below.

SQA Parent and Carer Blog

The timetable for the SQA Exams is live, and available on the SQA site here.

Miss Quigley


January 27, 2023
by Mr Kane

SDS Survey

Feedback on Skills Development Scotland (SDS) career service

SDS works in close partnership with the school to support your child make informed career choices and would value feedback from parents and carers on their services. You can do this by taking a short survey

All responses are confidential and anonymous, and the results will be used to inform SDS services. The survey is also available at the end of the Parents/Carers resources on the My World of Work website

The survey will be live from Monday 7 November 2022 to Wednesday 31 May 2023 and should only take about 10 minutes to complete.

Kind Regards

January 21, 2023
by Mr Kane

S4/5 into S5/6 Personalisation and Choice Materials

Dear S4/5 Pupils and Parents/Carers,

As you know, we held our Personalisation and Choice evening on Thursday 19th January 2023. The content shared below is designed to support further discussion at home.

Interviews for S4/5 pupils will begin shortly. The booklet provides further links to supporting documentation.

Your Pastoral Care teacher will notify you of your interview date and time in due course.

Kind Regards

Mrs Shearer and Miss Quigley

January 17, 2023
by Mr Kane

S2 into S3 Personalisation and Choice – January 2023

Dear S2 pupils,

At this time of year we begin to plan for next session and make decisions about our S3 Pathways. As you know, we held our Information Evening on Tuesday 17th January.

The files shared below are designed to support further discussion at home.

Your Pastoral Care teacher will notify you of your interview date and time in due course.

Kind Regards

Mrs Shearer

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