NCDT Village Summer Stroll

See the source image
Starting Friday 11th June 11.30am.  Meeting at Swimming Pool Car Park
Big long walks maybe not for you?  If so, then come and join us on a wee stroll round the village and plenty of chat!
Suitable for anyone to come along but if you have specific needs then please feel free to contact me and we can have a chat.  Let’s make the most of our Friday’s….best day of the week

Euro 2020 (21) Diversity Day!

This year at NCPS, we are celebrating the Euro 2020 (21) kick off! Each class has been given a country participating and on Friday 11th June we will be coming to school in the countries national flag colours!

An example of this would be if a class were given Scotland, they would need to come in wearing blue and white! Unfortunately no football tops are allowed!

In addition to this, each class will complete an activity based on that country! This will link to diversity! Have a look below at which country your class have been given!


Primary 1 (Mrs Johnstone): France

Primary 1/2 (Mrs Armour): Sweden

P2/3 (Mrs Elliott): Spain

P3 (Miss McQueen): Scotland

P4 (Mrs Petrie): Belgium

P4/5 (Mrs Frew): Netherlands

P5/6 (Miss Mason/Mrs Ramsay): Wales

P6/7 (Mr McClure): Germany

P7 (Mrs Clarke): Portugal


Early Level Transition Programme – May/June 2021 – Information Story for the Children

Child Transition Booklets June 2021(Click Here)

Please find attached above, our information story for the children who are moving into Primary 1 in August.  This is a story that can be read with the children a number of times from now until August to help support them with the new routines and become familiar with adults they will meet.

Please point any ECC child’s parents towards this post if you know of anyone who has a child starting P1 in August.

Much appreciated

Mrs Johnstone

Wider Achievement Targets – Silver (1/6/21)

Our fortnightly Wider Achievement Tasks which count towards your Silver Award have now been selected by your class teachers.

The focus of your tasks may include one or two of  the 4 Capacities of Curriculum for Excellence.  So they may encourage you to be Responsible Citizens, Effective Contributors, Successful Learners or Confident Individuals.

Class teachers will be looking for evidence of you working towards these targets at school or you may even do this at home, so please share it with them.

Keep up the good work superstars!

Wider Achievement Overview 28.5.21


Stars of the Week 28/5/21

Well done to this weeks Stars of the Week who demonstrated one of our school VALUES this week! We are extremely proud of you all for working hard to display our school values.

Primary 1 – David C for MUTUAL RESPECT


Primary 2/3 – Milah J for MUTUAL RESPECT

Primary 3 – Pippa H for DETERMINATION and AMBITION

Primary 4 – Milly C for DETERMINATION

Primary 4/5 – Thomas W for RESPONSIBILITY

Primary 5/6 – Mollie O for RESPONSIBILITY

Primary 6/7 – Aniah P for AMBITION

Primary 7 – Lucy W for DETERMINATION

Wider Achievement – Bronze Level Winners!

We have been working our way through our our fortnightly Wider Achievement Tasks with many of our children now having secured Bronze Level!

This means you have shown the ability to be Responsible Citizens, Effective Contributors, Successful Learners and Confident Individuals at Bronze Level. Well done!

Next step for you… Silver Level!

Well done to each of our Bronze Level winners from each class who are shown below.

Primary 1

Primary 1/2

Primary 2/3

Primary 3

Primary 4

Primary 4/5

Primary 5/6

Primary 6/7

Primary 7

Early Level Transition Programme – May/June 2021 – Information Booklet for Parents

Transition Information for Parents (CLICK HERE)

Please find attached above an information booklet for parents/carers of children who will be starting Primary 1 in August.

If you require any additional information which has not been covered in the booklet, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our utmost to support.

I am currently working on a child friendly information book which can be read with your child and explains the routine of the Primary 1 day.  This will be available in the next few days.

Thank you

Mrs Johnstone


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