P6/7 Termly update

I can’t believe we’re into the summer term already!  I was delighted to see all the children back at school safe and well after Easter.  P6/7 have had a busy time since our return to school following lockdown restrictions.  Below is an overview of the teaching and learning for the final term 


Children will continue to use Bug Club resources for reading.  We will  be focusing on fully justifying answers using the Point, Evidence, Explanation method.  Spelling activities will continue with children focusing on their identified root words, phonemes, suffixes and prefixes.   We will also access Giglets texts to focus on higher order thinking skills.

In writing, the focus for this term will be narrative with a focus on dialogue to advance the story.  We will also look at direct and indirect speech.


For the Circles, our focus in maths this term is time, data handling and beginning to tackle algebra.  The Rectangles will develop their understanding of percentages and the relationship between fractions, decimals.  They will also look at different forms of measurement.  Squares will be investigating  2D and 3D shape as well as division.  The Triangles will continue to work on subtraction and identify properties of 2D and 3D shape.


We will continue to follow the PATHS programme and all children have had experience of being Pupil of the Day.  We have had many good learning discussions about how to resolve conflicts with others, make friends and improve self esteem – skills which will stand them in good stead as they progress and grow.

We will also look at the world of work, creating skills profiles and identifying careers and setting goals for the future.  They will also participate in mock interviews for jobs.

For PE, we have been focusing on team work and playing a variety of games and activities to demonstrate the skills.  We will also be playing outdoor field games and begin to look at orienteering.


This term P6/7 have looked closer at the Passion of Christ.  In particular, The Stations of the Cross and the role Pontius Pilate played in the fate of Jesus,  As May is the month of Mary, we will also recite The Rosary.

We will also be coming on to discuss sensitive issues in God’s Loving Plan.


The last topic for this term is Politics.  Children will identify the key party leaders,  investigate how laws are made and discover how to become a politician.  We plan to have mini debates within class and have a democratic vote to decide a winner!

If any parents/carers still have pre-election flyers, I would be grateful if you could send them into school.

Thank you very much for your continued support.

Mr Bertoncini