Primary 1 – Curricular Update Term 4

We hope you all had a lovely Easter break. As we head into our final term, Primary 1 are “in training” for moving up to Primary 2.  As well as pushing on with new learning, we will be working hard to consolidate the learning that has taken place throughout the year.


Phonics – Now that we have learnt all the sounds in the alphabet and are using these to make and break words, we are going to start learning the sounds made by two or more letters such as “sh” “ch” “th” (joint phonemes).

Spelling – We will continue to practise the spelling of our tricky common words to ensure we can use these when writing sentences. We will learn some new words to add to our ever growing bank of vocabulary.

Writing – We are continuing to develop our skills in describing this term and using these skills to write reports about what we are learning in our topic.

Letter formation and hand writing will continue to be a focus to allow us to present our wonderful work as neatly as we can. Knowing how to form our letters automatically will help us to spell words with ease too.

Reading – Reading for information will be a focus this term. We will look at non-fiction texts and record the facts we learn.  We will also continue to practise our decoding skills by reading all types of text whenever we can.


Numeracy – Primary 1

The focus for Numeracy this term will be number processes, measure and time.

P1 – We will keep strengthening our addition and subtraction skills this term by exploring how the two processes link together. We will be transferring these skills into our money activities and using them to solve word problems.

Measure will also be a focus for us and will be linked to our “Plants” topic as we use the correct language to describe the size of various plants. We will measure using non-standard units such as our hand spans, feet and cubes. We will also be exploring data handling to interpret information from graphs and sort our plants into specific groups.


Health & Well-Being (HWB)

During our last term of PATHS lessons we will be introduced to some new emotions. We will explore each emotion in detail, thinking about how each emotion looks and feels and will consider whether it would be a “comfortable” or “uncomfortable” feeling.

We will also continue to reinforce our strategy of “Doing Turtle” and will use our PATHS sessions to talk through our feelings about moving into our new class at the end of the year.

We will be learning about our amazing bodies and the correct names for each body part.

During PE we will be focusing on Athletics, Striking and Fielding Games and Dance.



During the month of May, we honour “Mary”. We will recite our special prayer of the “Hail Mary” and revisit the stories of the Nativity, Annunciation and Visitation; giving special consideration to the role of Mary in each one. We will prepare our class altar in honour of Mary.

During this term, we will link our RE with our HWB through the teaching of “God’s Loving Plan.” We will be thanking God for our amazing bodies! We will learn the names of the body parts and consider the choices we can make to help look after our bodies.

We will also talk about the needs of a new born baby; learning about the tasks and equipment required to look after a baby.


IDL (Topic)

Our topic this term will be “Plants”. We will investigate the parts of a plant and consider the things we need to do to help them grow.

During our topic we will also link with Literacy, Health and Well-being and Numeracy. There will be opportunities for reading and writing for information as well as practical activities involving measuring and comparing.

A fun and exciting summer term ahead with lots to look forward to!

Mrs Duff