Primary 4 Term 1 Update

 Welcome back! We hope you have all had an enjoyable summer. It has been fantastic to see P4 settle into their new classroom and routines.  

We have had a great start to the term and look forward to a fun-filled term with lots of fabulous learning taking place.  

Here is an update on the upcoming term.  


For our reading focus this term, we will be developing our comprehension strategies such as visualisation and metalinguistics through our class novel ‘The Iron Man’. The children will be introduced to similes and onomatopoeia; some children can use these in their writing.  

During writing, we will start by continuing to develop our sentence structure and use of description bubbles for various descriptive pieces, we then then continue to work on our characterisation through descriptive skills and language narrative writing.  

Spelling will take the form of active spelling activities and the children will experience phonemes and blends at their working level. 

P4 will also be given revision lessons on alphabetical order, sentence structure and dictionary skills.  

 Numeracy & Maths  

P4 have already looked at how Maths impacts the world around us and where we use Maths in our day to day lives. We have started learning how to round 2 and 3 digits to the nearest 10 and the nearest 100.  

The class will review Place Value knowledge and use it to build on their sense of number. We will look at 4-digit numbers and read, write order and recite these numbers. Through our place value work, we will be able to identify the value of each digit.  

We will then progress to looking at our addition strategies. The class will participate in a daily number talk, to develop mental maths strategies.  

In Beyond Number, the class will start with shaping, look at the properties of a range of 2D and 3D shapes and create tiling patterns. We will then move on to investigate the use of mathematical language to describe and record directions.   

 Health and Wellbeing  

At the start of the term, P4 discussed and identified their right as a child. As a class, we agreed on a Class Charter to allow our class to be fun, safe, hardworking and respectful.  

This term we will begin our PATHS programme for P4. Lessons will include setting up our class rules, looking at individual emotions, building friendships and community within the school, Self-Control and Anger Management.  We will also start the Do Be Mindful programme which will allow us, using a range of strategies, to look at ways we can take a mindful moment each day. 


PE is on a Thursday and Friday. This term we will be covering; 

  • Team Games 
  • Football  
  • Badminton 

PE kit must be brought in and left at the start of each term. Before each holiday, the kit will be sent home for washing to be freshened up and returned on the first day back.  Please make sure your child is not wearing jewellery on these days as they will be unable to participate in the lesson for health and safety reasons. If your child cannot take part for any reason, please contact the school. 


We will be revising the alphabet, basic French phrases and numbers this term through, songs, activities and games. 


P4 will be learning to carry out a comparison study on the rainforest and the Arctic. We will link this with our literacy through our descriptive writing and will develop mapping skills. 

 Expressive Arts  

In Music, we will be using ‘Charanga’ to appraise and learn a song. P4 will have the opportunity to use our new school glockenspiels to accompany the song, learning about rhythm, pace and beat.  

During Drama lessons, the pupils will take part in drama activities to support teamwork and improve confidence. We will also ‘act out’ parts of our class novel.  

As we move on to our IDL topic, we will use various mediums to create some beautiful artwork to depict the rainforest and Arctic, looking at the idea of hot and cold colours.   

 Religious Education  

This term we will be reflecting on our uniqueness and thinking about our God-given talents. We will reflect on the importance of friendship and link this with various stories from the Bible. The children will take part in class prayers and School Masses, and we will continue to build on our knowledge of common prayers and Mass responses.  

Homework will be distributed on a Monday to be completed and returned by Friday.  

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to a fabulous term with P4!