Primary 6 Currucular Update – Term 4

Curricular Update Primary 6

Term 4 – 2024

Welcome back to Primary 6 curricular update, a busy and exciting final term. Primary 6 will prepare to transition into primary 7 and will have the opportunity to interview for captain and vice-captain house roles. Primary 6 will have the responsibility of becoming a buddy to new primary 1’s who will be starting Mount Carmel in August. The upper school summer show will be performed in June and we will be showcasing all of our hard work as we present to you …… ‘Matilda’!!

Please see below for an overview of what we will be learning this term:


This term we will focus on Area, Perimeter and Volume, Angles, Information Handling and Function Machines. Daily revision and rigour of decimals, percentages and fractions and the four operations will still continue throughout term 4. Children are as always encouraged to practise their multiplication tables.


Reading – We will continue to read books appropriate to our levels and we will focus on fiction texts. We will complete daily reading to writing tasks and work on our active comprehension tasks. This term we will focus on understanding the difference between fact and opinion, the authors use of language, and inference.

Writing - This term we will be completing report writing where we will be linking it with our science topic. Further into term 4 we will complete recount writing.

Spelling - we will continue to follow the active literacy spelling programme in our appropriate groups, focusing on common words and phonemes relevant to their level and stage. Some weeks pupils will be given topic-specific vocabulary as part of their topic.  New spelling words will be introduced each week, which will coincide with homework tasks. Pupils will revise the Active Spelling strategies throughout Term 4.


In term 4 primary 6 will continue to take part in Do Be-Mindful activities, some activities will be part of homework tasks. At the start of the term P6 will complete a mini topic on Substance Misuse looking at the dangers of smoking/vaping, alcohol and drugs usage.

PE days will be Wednesday and Thursday please remember to bring full PE kit on these days. This term we will be participating in Volleyball, Athletics and Orienteering. Pupils are asked to bring FULL PE kit on these days, this includes indoor shoes.

Expressive Arts

This term we have our summer show which P6 are very excited about as there are lots of jobs available to apply for. This gives them opportunities to enjoy being creative and imaginative, express emotions, performing for different audiences and being part of audiences for others. They will be able to showcase their talents from performing, props, sound production and stage settings. Working together as un upper school team we will be learning key skills in music, art and design, dance and drama.

Religious Education

Throughout this term P6 will continue to work on their Pope Francis Faith Award, reflecting on how they use the different gifts in their wider world which will continue with them into P7. We will listen and engage with stories from the Gospel of Matthew.

Modern Languages 

This term pupils will focus on hobbies, food and drink and descriptions in French.

We will continue French with the aim to increase their confidence in reading, writing and talking in French.


This term a big part of our topic will be on enterprise and the summer show. We will all have very important roles to play in the production to make sure the show is successful. Part of our mini science topic this term, primary 6 voted to learn more around volcanoes and chemical reactions.

Thank you for your support,

Miss Maitland.