P4 Sacrament Retreat Day

A quick reminder for parents that this Saturday our Sacrament children will have a special mass and retreat day held at St Joseph’s Church & Hall. There will be a short meeting  for parents afterwards.

Details Below..

Children’ s Retreat day– Saturday 1st February

10am Mass – Finish at 2pm at St Joseph’s Church & Hall

*Children should also bring a packed lunch with them*

There is no charge involved.

Parent’s meeting – Saturday 1st February (At end of Retreat Day)

Parents of Children making their sacraments are invited to a short meeting afterwards from 2pm – 2:30pm also at St Joseph’s Church & Hall.

Other important dates to note :

*Rite of Enrolment – Sunday 16th February*

11:30am Mass at OLMC Church

**Rite of Confirmation – Sunday 23rd February** -11:30am Mass

Bishop Frank Dougan will preside.

Important March News

Before making their Sacrament of First Holy Communion at the end of June, the P4 sacrament children will need to attend the Rite of Reconciliation and make their confession again and alongside the P4s on Wed 19th March at OLMC  (7-8pm).

Any parent who requires a registration form these are available from Fr Jim or  contact the school office please.

Upper Car Park

Upper Car park
As you are aware the school car park and upper car park are for the sole use of staff and school visitors.  Parents and carers should not be accessing the school car park at any point, this includes the upper overflow car park.  Please also be aware of our safety concerns for parents/carers that have been accessing this space and then lifting children over the fence.  Please use the lower school main gate to access the playground.
Thank you for your support with this.

Storm Damage

Storm Damage
Unfortunately two of our trees have come down during the storm last week.  These are currently blocking our gates between the upper playground and the lower school playground.  Parents and carers can only access the lower school playground via the lower school gate and the upper school playground via the main gate.  At the end of the school day children from P4-7 that would normally meet adults in the lower playground will exit via the primary 2 door instead.
We also have damage to our main bell.  This means there will be no bell at the start or end of the school day.  Children will exit to the playground as normal.
Thank you for your support and understanding as we await removal and repair work.

Schools/ECC Closure Tomorrow 24/1/25

The Met Office has now issued a red warning for wind from 10am until 5pm on Friday 24 January.


Storm Eowyn will cause very dangerous conditions and there will be significant disruption.  The Council has taken the decision to close all schools and Early Childhood Centres, plus SL33 and SL66 on Friday 24 January.


This is a difficult decision to take and the Council understands the impact on parents and carers, however the safety of children and young people is paramount.


P7 Term 3 Curriculum Update

Happy New Year and I hope Santa was good to you all. And so we enter P7’s final year at primary!!  Good to see all the pupils back after the holidays.  Here is a brief overview of our learning focus this term.


Our focus this term will continue to develop all reading skills through Bug Club guided reading texts.  We will also be reading texts to identify fact and opinion and discuss the reliability of sources of information.  For writing, we are concentrating on discussion texts, building upon persuasive writing from last term until the February holiday then look at the recount genre where we will retell events from what we have watched or experienced.  For a short period, we will also be looking at Scottish texts, using Scots language and looking at Scottish poems and authors.


The emphasis of our numeracy this term is on fractions, decimals and percentages and how they interlink.  Having completed the set Number Talk discussions, we will continue to use Number Talk strategies to develop mental strategies using all four processes.  The class are also working on numeracy skills with Mrs McCreadie and will be investigating other aspects of measurement as well as data handling.

Health and Wellbeing

The PATHS focus this term is ­­­­­­­­­looking at respect and how to deal with conflicts and identifying positive steps to de-escalate situations.  We will also continue to praise and compliment children through Pupil of the Day.  We are also exploring risk taking behaviour including substance misuse and practise basic first aid procedures.

Our PE days are still Wednesday and Thursday.  We will be first concentrating on fun fitness, creating personal fitness plans and setting personal goals.  We also aim to develop our team game skills through netball where we will understand different roles within the team.


The topic this term is Scottish based and is looking at the Highland Clearances.  We will be investigating important historical figures involved in the event, how people lived during that time and the mass emigration from the Highland area.


This term we will be aiming to complete our Pope Francis Faith Award journals, revising all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and giving evidence of them being used in the school, at home and in the community or Parish.  As well as this, there will be a final reflection on how the Gifts will help support them as they develop and grow.



French this term will consist of learning how to say other countries and nationalities and looking in to current affairs within France as well as using the verb etre (to be).



This term P7 will look at coding and understand its importance within society.  We will use block coding software to program small digital devices and explore various commands to create games and move characters within games.


We will be looking at the articles and rights involved and associated in Holocaust Memorial Day in late January, Safe Internet Day and Children’s Mental Health Week in February, and World Book Day and World Water Day in March.

I look forward to working with P7 in their final year and will enjoy accompanying them on their trip to Barcaple this term.

Mr Bertoncini






After School Clubs🏸🏐🎽

The following After School Clubs are due to start soon. Letters for each club were given out to pupils yesterday (20/1). There are a maximum of 20 places available per club which will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

If your child wishes to attend, please complete and return the permission slip at the bottom of the letter. Thanks

Primary 2&3- Games and Multi-sports Club

Tues 28th January until Tues 25th February (Exc. Tues 11th Feb)

Primary 4 &5 – Racquet Sports Club

Thurs 30th January until Thurs 20th February

Primary 6 &7 Handball Club

Mon 27th January until Mon 24th February (Exc. Mon 10th Feb)

P4 Confirmation Dates

This is just a quick reminder of some important dates  in the next few weeks for our pupils who will be making their Sacrament of Confirmation at the end of next month.

Session 3 – Sunday 26th January

11:30am Mass – Finish at 1:30pm at OLMC Church

(‘I Belong’ book – Chapters 5 & 6 after Mass)

Children’ s Retreat day– Saturday 1st February

10am Mass – Finish at 2pm at St Joseph’s Church & Hall

*Children should also bring a packed lunch with them*

There is no charge involved.

Parent’s meeting – Saturday 1st February (At end of Retreat Day)

Parents of Children making their sacraments are invited to a short meeting afterwards from 2pm – 2:30pm also at St Joseph’s Church & Hall.

*Rite of Enrolment – Sunday 16th February*

11:30am Mass at OLMC Church

**Rite of Confirmation – Sunday 23rd February** -11:30am Mass

Bishop Frank Dougan will preside

Any parent who requires a registration form these are available from Fr Jim or  contact the school office please.

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