P1/2 Curriculum Overview

Primary 1/2 Curriculum Overview Term 4 2021 (Apr-June)

Welcome back to the Primary 1/2 blog where you can watch as the children grow and develop throughout this final term.


Primary 1

Primary 1 have become more and more confident when using initial sounds to word build. They will continue to work on word building this term, however, they will now focus on building CVCC as well as CCVC words (4 letters). Primary 1 will continue to use the Active Literacy strategy “say, make, break, read and write” to support them with this new learning. In addition to this, Primary 1 will continue to learn new common words every week until they have learned all common words within stage 1. Primary 1 will continue to have lots of opportunities to practice word building and common words in a range of active ways in line with the Active Literacy approach to learning. A focus for Primary 1 during this last term will be using their knowledge of word building and common words to build sentences independently. The children in Primary 1 will have many opportunities to develop their independent writing skills this term through weekly news, free writing and sentence tasks linked to their spelling sounds. To support this new learning, Primary 1 will also apply their reading skills when writing. The children will have sentence building tasks linked to their reading books each week; this will ensure appropriate differentiation. In addition to this, Primary 1 will focus on description writing this term, they will describe different objects in relation to their Spring topic as well as characters and objects from familiar stories. Primary 1 will focus on describing number, colour, texture and size.

Primary 1 will continue to develop their talking and listening skills; understanding when to listen and when to respond, taking turns and communicating with others. They will also continue to develop their letter formation through regular handwriting lessons/activities.

Primary 2

Reading – This term, Primary 2 will be continuing to develop their reading skills particularly focusing on comprehension questions, using the questions to begin to form their answers. Primary 2 will access both fiction and non-fiction texts to develop their comprehension skills. They will apply their knowledge of skimming and scanning to find and use information within different texts as well as learn how to pinpoint exactly what the question is asking by using the words within the question to form an answer. Primary 2 will mainly use their Bug Club guided reading texts to develop this ne learning, this will allow the task to be differentiated appropriately.

Writing – Primary 2 will develop their description skills this term. They will write to describe a range of objects and characters. The children will describe objects in relation to the Spring topic including a chick, a sunflower and a butterfly. Primary 2 will think about number, colour, size, shape, texture, position and doing as they write their descriptions. The children will also learn about nouns and pronouns to support their writing. They will use this knowledge to structure their writing. Primary 2 will also learn about report writing this term. They will learn about fact files and the key features. The children will create fact files which link to their topic “Our Local Area” as well as “Energy Around Us”. Primary 2 will continue to focus on developing their independent writing this term. They will have many opportunities for “daily writing”, e.g., news. The children will be encouraged to use their knowledge of known phonemes as well as common words to write independent pieces. Primary 2 will also be encouraged to begin to use connectives, such as “and, but, because” within their daily writing to extend and develop more interesting pieces.

Spelling – Primary 2 will continue to learn new phonemes in accordance with the Active Literacy programme. They will learn a new joined phoneme as well as new common words each week. Primary 2 will continue to develop their knowledge of phonemes and spelling strategies through an active approach. They will continue to apply this knowledge alongside the development of their sentence structure skills. Primary 2 will continue to use the Phonic Bug resource to support and enhance their knowledge of new phonemes.

Grammar – Primary 2 will continue to focus on extending their sentences through use of connectives including “and”, “but” and “because”. In addition to this, Primary 2 will learn about adjectives. They will develop their vocabulary through focused grammar lessons and have opportunities to put their learning into practice through regular writing opportunities.

Numeracy and Mathematics

Primary 1

Numeracy -This term, Primary 1 will consolidate their understanding of the concept of addition within 10. They will focus on increasing their mental accuracy of number bonds to 10. The children will have many opportunities to develop their mental accuracy through mental math quizzes, fast 10 and Big Math Beat That. In addition to this, Primary 1 will apply their knowledge of addition within 10 when working on missing number calculations as well as word problems. When Primary 1 are confident in their addition skills they will begin to focus on subtraction within 10. The children will transfer their skills to answer subtraction calculations and word problems. In addition to this, Primary 1 will consolidate their knowledge of numbers to 20 and beyond.

Primary 2

Numeracy – This term primary 2 will combine their knowledge of addition and subtraction as well as their knowledge of numbers to 100 and place value to add and subtract within 100. Primary 2 will learn the formal notation strategy and apply their knowledge of tens and units when adding and taking away. New learning for Primary 2 will be the concept of multiplication and division. The children in Primary 2 will develop their understanding of multiplying before learning about division. They will use concrete resources, e.g., unifix cubes and numicon to support their learning. The children will focus on arrays as well as sharing. In addition to this, Primary 2 will continue to have many opportunities to develop their mental accuracy through mental math quizzes, fast 10 and Big Math Beat That.

Primary 1/2

Mathematics – Primary 1/2’s beyond number focus this term will be money. Primary 1/2 will learn to recognise and identify coins (up to £2) as well as notes (up to £50). They will also learn to differentiate between and use the language “pence” and “pound”. The children will use their knowledge of addition and subtraction to add to find totals (P2 within 50p and P1 within 10p) as well as subtract to find change. In addition to this, Primary 1/2 will learn to make totals using the smallest number of coins, e.g., 7p = 5p + 2p. Primary 1/2 will also learn about fractions this term. Primary 2 will apply their knowledge of division whilst Primary 1 will focus on the concept of sharing. Primary 1/2 will learn about measurement this term with Mrs McIntyre. They will work on developing their knowledge of length, capacity and volume. Primary 1/2 will develop this new learning through a hands-on approach.


Health and Wellbeing

Primary 1/2 will continue to develop their social and emotional skills through our whole school PATHS programme. The children continue to enjoy engaging with the puppets and love it when they visit our classroom. Primary 1/2 love giving and receiving compliments each day as part of “Pupil of the Day”. Primary 1/2 will continue to learn about their emotions through a range of activities and stories based around the PATHS puppets. The children in Primary 1/2 continue to engage enthusiastically with this programme.

In addition to this, Primary 1/2 will learn about how to keep themselves safe including what is meant by medicines and harmful substances. Primary 1/2 will learn to identify which substances may be helpful and which may be harmful in given situations as well as suggest ways to get help in unsafe and emergency situations, such as seeking out an adult and calling the emergency services. Furthermore, Primary 1/2 will learn about personal hygiene including hand washing through God’s Loving Plan.

Physical Education

This term Primary 1/2 will focus on athletics and orienteering. The children will practice running, jumping, and throwing both independently as well as part of a team. Once Primary 1/2 have developed their running, jumping, and throwing skills they will compete against each other in friendly relay races. In addition to this, Primary 1/2 will apply their ability to follow instructions within the classroom to giving and following instructions within the outdoor environment.

P.E. days will continue to be Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed appropriately with either joggers or leggings and trainers. Your child must continue to wear their school jumper as part of their uniform on PE days.

Religious Education

This term Primary 1/2 will think about Our Lady. The children will reflect on Mary as the mother of Jesus and the Mother of all of us. They will revise the nativity story as well as the Easter story to support their thinking. Primary 1/2 will also learn to pray the “Hail Mary”. Furthermore, Primary 1/2 will learn about personal hygiene including hand washing through God’s Loving Plan.


This term, Primary 1/2 will be learning about their local area through the “My Local Area” topic. The children will look at maps of the local area (Kilmarnock) pinpointing key buildings/sites. Primary 1/2 will learn how to read a map and use appropriate language to describe, follow and record directions in relation to a local map including turn, left, right, straight ahead, NESW. The children will also apply what they know about information handling to collect information about favourite places to go and favourite things to do in the local area. As Primary 1/2’s knowledge of the local area increases, the children will make a 3D map of the local area surrounding the school. Furthermore, Primary 1/2 will learn about energy this term. They will learn about food energy as well as gain a basic understanding of electrical circuits and conservation.


Please ensure that your child brings in appropriate outdoor learning clothes. This will allow your child to fully engage with any outdoor learning experiences.

Please ensure that you write your child’s name on any items of clothing they may take off throughout the school day, e.g., jumpers. This will help to ensure your child does not lose any items of clothing.

Thank you for visiting the Primary 1/2 blog, keep a look out for any further updates as term 4 progresses!

Thank you,

Mrs Dunsmore.