
  1. Class 3 Homework | Anson CE Primary School

Monday 20th May


Complete as many activities as you can. Have a happy, healthy week.

Health Grid Activities


Tuesday 7th May, 2024

World of Work | Teaching Resources

This week is World of Work Week. We will have lots of visitors coming into school this week to speak to our pupils about work.  Please ask your child what they have learned from our guest speakers.

This is a consolidation week for Active Literacy so please revise the last 2 phonemes “oe” and “ou”.

Please also continue to help your child with time, especially o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past and help them match analogue to digital times. Your help with this is much appreciated.

Monday 29th April, 2024

Hope everyone managed to enjoy some Spring sunshine.

Image result for spring sunshine

Click on the link for our learning this week:

P3 Homework Blog 29th April


Monday 22nd April, 2024

Hope you all had a good first week back. Here is our home learning for the week:

P3 Homework Blog 22nd April

Monday 15th April, 2024

Welcome back to our new term. I hope you all had a lovely relaxing Easter break and are ready for the busy term ahead.

Here is the link to our Home Learning this week:

P3-Homework-Blog-15th April 2024

Monday 25th March, 2024

Wishing You a Safe & Happy Easter

Instead of our usual Home Learning, we are going to focus on reading in the lead up to the Easter break. I hope you all have an eggs-tra happy family holiday.

Easter Week

Monday 18th March, 2024

Hello P3, here is your home learning for this week:

P3-Homework-Blog-18th March 2024



Monday 11th March, 2024

Home learning for this week:

P3-Homework-Blog-11th March 2024

Image result for stem week

STEM week this week, so keep your eyes peeled for our pictures to showcase our learning.

Monday 4th March, 2024


World book day - decorate a potato as a book character | Book ...

The Inclusive Friendly Schools Committee are asking parents/carers to help their child/children decorate a potato for World Book Day.

Create your favourite book character from the same simple starting point – a lumpy potato. We’d love to see your final potato characters – why not share them with us?

Send a picture of your character to susan.cross1@eastayrshire.org.uk on or before the 7th March or send it into school. Have fun!



World Book Day will be taking place on Thursday 7 March 2024.

World Book Day provides a fantastic opportunity to focus on reading for pleasure and embed a lifetime habit of reading. We will be completing lots of activities that will hopefully encourage a love of reading throughout the whole year. This week our main focus will be Paddington.

For maths this week, here is a times table grid to choose from. Do as many activities as you can:

times table grid




Monday 26th February, 2024

Here is our home learning for this week:

P3-Homework-Blog-26th Feb 2024


Monday 19th February, 2024

Please click on the link for our learning this week:

P3-Homework-Blog-19th Feb 2024

Image result for wider achievement rosettesPlease send any wider achievement updates back when you have updated them so we can celebrate your child’s successes both in and out of school. Thank you.


 STEM – Design a mascot for our STEM area at school!
Dinnae Forget your Caddy Mascot Design




Monday 5th February, 2024

Children's Mental Health Week

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week so instead of the usual homework PowerPoint, there is a wellbeing grid to pick and choose activities from. Have fun completing as many as you can. Click on the link to view.


As part of out EA Clean Green Award, Mrs Fisher has signed Mauchline Primary & ECC up for a council initiative whereby we try to encourage families and the community to recycle their food waste. 
Mrs Fisher has assigned a homework task for each class to complete. P3 have to design our own caddy character. Go on, P3, let your imaginations run wild!
Please return all completed designs by Wednesday 14th February.



Image result for trick words P3

Please also try to keep practising the 2 and 5 times tables and try to turn those tricky words you find difficult into friends.






Monday 29th January, 2024

Please click on the link for our learning this week.


Monday 22nd January, 2024

Keep reciting your Scot’s poem, A Dug, A Dug… you are all doing so well!
Click on the link for our learning this week: 





Monday 15th January, 2024

Thank you so much for helping the boys and girls in P3 to learn their poem, A Dug, A Dug. I am so impressed with their efforts so far. Keep up the good work at home, please, and we will continue to recite it in class too.


We have a slight change to our class timetable this term. PE days have changed to a Monday and a Tuesday, so please ensure children bring their full kit and have no jewellery on those days please.
Click on the link below for this week’s learning:

P3-Homework-Blog-15th January 2024







Happy New Year to you all. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and enjoyed some fun times with family and friends.

We will begin our first week back with our Scots Language block.

P3 have the Scottish Poem, A Dug, A Dug by Bill Keys to learn with you at home for homework. We will discuss the language and practise reciting it in class, but your support with learning the words will be much appreciated.  Please encourage your child to memorise the words as some children will be put forward to recite it as part of our annual Burns’ Competition. 


A DUG, A DUG by Billy Keys

Hey, daddy, wid yi get us a dug?
A big broon alsatian? Ur a wee white pug,
Ur a skinny wee terrier ur a big fat collie.
Aw, daddy. Get us a dug. Will yi?     

Whit! An’ whose dug’ll it be when it durties the flerr?
an’ wets the carpet, and messes the sterr?
It’s me ur yer mammy’ll be tane fur a mug.
Away oot an play. Yur no gettin a dug.


But, daddy! Thur gien them away
doon therr at the RSPCA.
Yu’ll get wan fur nothing so ye will.
Aw, daddy. Get us a dug. Will ye? 


Dji hear im? Oan aboot dugs again?
Ah think that yin’s goat dugs’n the brain.
Ah know whit yu’ll get; a skite oan the lug
if ah hear any merr aboot this bloomin dug.   


Aw, daddy, it widny be dear tae keep
an ah’d make it a basket fur it tae sleep
an ah’d take it fur runs away ower the hull.
Aw, daddy. Get us a dug. Will ye?   


Ah doan’t think thur’s emdy like you.
Ye could wheedle the twist oot a flaming coarkscrew.
Noo get doon aff my neck. Gies nana a yur hugs.
Awright. THAT’S ANUFF. Ah’ll get ye a dug.

Aw, daddy! A dug! A dug! 


Remember to adjust your voice to show whether it is the adult or child speaking, add in any gestures you think are appropriate and remember the poem is telling the story of a child trying to PERSUADE their adult to get them a dog, so show this with your tone of voice. Have fun learning it together!

Image result for dogs

Monday 6th November

Here is our learning for the week. We didn’t complete the activities from last week for the “ea” phoneme words so we will continue with these words this week too.

P3-Homework-Blog-6th Nov



Monday 30th October


Hello Parents,
We are using SplashLearn in class this year. For your child to be able to complete tasks I assign for home and build a daily learning habit, please sign up on SplashLearn for free.
Steps to set up home access:1. Go to https://uss.splashlearn.com/uss/mjLisqaO
2. Sign up for free and verify your email.
3. Enter class code: QKIHIC
4. Select your child’s profile to complete setup.


Please DO NOT upgrade – DO NOT pay extra!


Monday 9th October, 2023

Click on the link below to access this week’s homework:

P3-Homework-Blog-9th Oct


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