Let’s get reading

Children from P3-7 are used to using Accelerated Reader to record the books they read and complete quizzes.

However Accelerated Reader has given free access to some of their books online during school closures. ALL children can access the free links to some of their ebooks.

Please follow the link to access.


The site has a function to allow the books to be read to the children – this allows children to ‘hear’ the stories even they are too difficult for them to read. A fabulous function during this time of school closure.

A new week!

Good morning Mauchline PS & ECC and welcome to a new week! Remember to check your class page on the blog or Microsoft Teams (if your class is using it) for some messages from your teachers.

I have attached some learning activities for all stages in the school to keep everyone busy today!

ECC/Primary 1: Let’s try a hunt around the house.


Primary 2-4: A different house hunt.


Primary 5-7: Some research sheets to complete.


Accessing Microsoft Office 365

Friday 27th March

Good morning Mauchline PS & ECC

Firstly let me say that we all deserve a rest today. I don’t know about you, but I am shattered – in more ways than one!!

A very different week and it’s been rather strange for us all.

Please don’t feel that you have to be accessing all of this new technology ‘stuff’ straight away. Even the staff are completely befuddled by most of it – no one is an expert yet (me included!)

However I have had a lot of interest in accessing the Microsoft Office 365 parts – Word, Powerpoint, TEAMS etc.

So I have made a very basic help page which I hope will provide some guidance.

I already posted a help page for accessing GLOW earlier in the week, so you may need to have look at that first.

See below for my home-made help page to Office 365.

Office 356 help

I also managed to find a help page on the internet for TEAMS. I hope it will be of some assistance. It’s not the easiest of platforms to operate and best left to the experts among us i.e. your children!!


Reading Outdoors

Thursday 26th March

Good morning Mauchline PS & ECC!

If you are fortunate enough to have a garden or some safe outdoor space, why not take your reading outdoors.

Put on a warm jacket, hat and some gloves and head outside for some much-needed fresh air. Take something warm and comfy to sit on and if you have a small tent – all the better!

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