Tag Archives: Teamwork

P7 – Alcohol and Our Liver – Results after one week!

Well…it is safe to say that all types of alcohol have now had a massive impact on all of the cuts of liver.  Each liver has started to rot and decompose.  Veins have burst and some of the cuts have swelled in size and look puffy whilst other cuts have shrivelled and become blackened and bruised.

None of the livers are healthy anymore and the smell from all of them is disgusting!!  So disgusting in fact that we had to vacate our classroom and conduct our experiment in the fresh air in the hope that it would help to disperse the smell.

This may come as a shock but the liver that has been the most badly damaged was the one that was submerged in the Alcopop – a Blue Wicked.  The Blue Wicked liver has almost fully decomposed and had become sludge like.  This surprised us as we thought that the alcohol wouldn’t have had such as big impact – especially because it looked so bright and colourful when packaged.

P7 – Liver and Alcohol Experiment – 24 hours later!

Today we carried out the first of our observations from our liver and alcohol experiment. Each part of liver has now swelled and absorbed some the alcohol. All of the liver has changed colour and some parts now have broken and burst veins. It is safe to say that all of the livers are now badly damaged and that has just been after 24 hours. We were shocked as even the liver that was submerged in the alcopop has been damaged which shows that these are just as bad for you – even though the packaging makes them look like juice.

We wonder what will happen after 1 week!


P7 – HWB – Substance and Alcohol Misuse

As part of our Health and Wellbeing we have been learning all about the way in which alcohol and substance misuse can damage our body. We have found this topic really interesting but very scary. Yesterday we began our experiment into the effects that alcohol can have on our liver and because it was something that was so good for us to be doing a Health and Wellbeing Officer from East Ayrshire Council came in and observed us. Ms Jarvis told us that we were one of the best behaved P7 she had come across d that we were hugely responsible throughout the afternoon.

We will keep you up-to-date with our results…





















P4 – Mummification Experiment (Week 2)

We have been having lots of fun learning all about Ancient Egypt. We are now onto week 2 of our mummification science experiment and this week we had to vacate the classroom because things were getting stinky!! The mummified objects are now looking smaller, browner, thinner, and wrinkly and have no water or juice left in them. The non-mummified objects are very smelly, mouldy, and green and have liquid oozing out of them. If you look at our pictures can you tell the mummified objects from the non-mummified objects?