We are looking forward to all of the different things that we have got planned for our Term 2 in Primary 6. We wanted to share with you a snap shot of our learning and the type of things that we will be doing in our class and beyond!
Numeracy and Mathematics
This term in Numeracy and Mathematics we are learning all about fractions and the different types of fractions that you can have. This includes improper, equivalent and decimal fractions. We will look at the link between fractions, decimals and percentages – this will help us with our Big Maths. We will use this knowledge to solve real life problems.
We will also be looking at Information Handling. We will be collating and displaying information using varies types of graphs and charts. Technology will be used to enhance learning.
Literacy and English
Bug Club is just one of the ways that we have been practicing our reading and comprehension skills. We are getting much better at really thinking about our answers. It is important to try and use Bug Club at home as much as possible.
In our topics it is really important that we use the internet for research purposes. We are researching historical evidence and figuring out if it trustworthy or not – some sites are better than others!
In our writing we will be looking at descriptive phrases and comparing formal and informal letters. We will use these skills to write to Ciaran Murtagh – the author who visited the school last term!
Talking and Listening
We will be working collaboratively to share information and ideas and feedback on different aspects of our learning.
Health and Wellbeing
In P.E this term we will be exploring aspects of gymnastics and fitness. Throughout all lessons we will be encouraged to demonstrate good and fair sportsmanship and sportswomanship!
We understand the importance that technology has in our everyday lives and for this reason we will be looking at ways in which to keep ourselves safe on line – this will include appropriate use of social media.
All My Other Learning
We will be exploring the life and times of Mary Queen of Scots in order to apply a sense of the past and the causes and effects of historical events.