Primary 1 were recently involved in a visit from Owl Magic. They got to learn about caring for birds.
Primary 3 have thoroughly enjoyed our evening visit to the Dark Sky Park. This year was particularly special  as we were also the first school to ever visit their brand new planetarium. During our visit we got to spend time looking through the telescope, participate in hands on activities in the science room but the highlight was most definitely the new planetarium. In this, we got to lie back and journey through space…. we saw what it looks like when a star dies, a range of star constellations, the milky way and the Apollo 11 mission to the moon. It was a fantastic visit, we learned lots and we enjoyed every moment of it.
Here are just a small range of our pictures…
Primary 5 have been learning about flooding for their topic of ‘Rivers’. The pupils carried out practical activities in the classroom to test whether their classroom was ‘flood ready’. Miss Adams was able to tell us all about the time she was affected by a flood.