Primary 3/4 recently completed a home presentation about their class learning – food and farming. They had to choose which aspect of their learning to focus on and could choose how to present it. We have had models, books, word documents, pictures and labelled diagrams. I am overwhelmed with the effort from the children and the support from their adult helpers. Thank you very much.
P7 – Spectacular Spectrum Science
P7 – Sportshall Athletics Championships
P4 – The Baird Institute and The Ancient Egyptians
We recently had the opportunity to visit The Baird Institute in Cumnock as they were holding an Ancient Egyptian exhibition! As you will be able to tell from our photos we had a super-duper afternoon! We got to share some of our knowledge with visiting experts and even had our questions answered by an expert Egyptologist.
P3/4 Dumfries House
We had a wonderful day at Dumfries House on Friday. As part of our IDL, we visited the farm and the farm animals. We got to touch and feed some farm animals including chickens, ducks and pigs. We also learned about the journey of milk from source to consumer. A highlight was definitely getting to use ingredients to prepare and bake our own cheese and chive scones. We even made our own butter!