P1/2 Weekly Learning

P1/2 – 30.3.20


Hello everyone,

I hope you are all staying safe and settling into a routine in your homes.  I’m sure I’m missing school just as much as, if not more than all of you! I can’t wait to see you all again and hear everything you’ve been doing.  I wanted to just check in and give some new ideas of activities to complete this week.  Remember to keep working through your packs and finding time to exercise, play and enjoy your time that you’re spending with your family.  I’ll be uploading new activities and ideas every Monday after the Easter Holidays through the school website and app.

See you soon 🙂

Miss Stafford



P1 – listen to your jolly phonics sounds on YouTube from this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Qpn2839Kro

Practice singing along and doing all of your actions. Can you make any 3 letter words using your sounds?

P2 – Look through your booklet of Active Literacy sounds and words.  Choose a sound you have found tricky this year and practice this sound and words using an activity from your spelling grid.


Bug Club – Remember to log onto bug club and ask your adult to help you with any tricky words.


Writing – Ask an adult to help you write a sentence or story about what you have been up to at home this week. P1’s focus on underwriting or copying from a whiteboard. P2’s Try to write as much as you can by yourself!

Numeracy – Counting

P1 – practice counting up to 20 and looking at the way different numbers look. Listen and sing along to this song on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VLxWIHRD4E

Go around your house and count each thing you see, how high can you count?

Practice writing your numbers on your number formation sheet using whiteboard pen provided.


P2 –Use your Dice Addition sheet and the dice provided in your folder to do some simple adding – use a timer and see how many you can do in ten minutes.


Remember to log onto SumDog where I have allocated you work for your individual level. Your log ins are attached to your home learning packs.



Other Curricular Areas

Stem Challenge

Can you use materials around your house to make a basket that the Easter Bunny could use to deliver Easter Eggs?  Decorate this using Spring colours.


Have a listen to this song on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7z-aJqTw1U  Can you clap and sing along in time? Try to come up with your own dance to accompany it.


Make a Happy Easter card for someone in your family, try to use different colours and write a nice message inside.

Make a nice rainbow to go into your window to cheer people up who walk past your house!

P2/3 Home Learning 30/3/20

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all getting on fine at home and are all keeping well.  I miss you all at school and I hope you are having fun with your families.

I just thought I would check-in to keep in touch and give you a few ideas for activities for next week.  Remember you can still work through your packs as well.  I will check-in with you every Monday to give you new activities to complete after the Easter Holidays.  Stay safe everyone and have a lovely Easter.

Mrs McLachlan


P2 – Look at your Active Literacy sounds sheet and choose a sound you are not confident with.  Practise writing the words for that sound on your laminated Elkonin Boxes in your pack.  You could then also try to make new words using that sound.

P3 – Look at your Active Literacy sounds sheet and practise the new words for the ‘oi’ sound.  Practise writing the words for that sound on your laminated Elkonin Boxes in your pack.  Write sentences using the words you have practised.

Bug Club – Log on to Bug Club and read 2 of your books.

Writing – Write a few sentences about what you have been doing this week at home with your family.  An adult can help you with this if you need to copy an adults writing.  Draw a picture about your writing.

Numeracy – Log on to sum dog using your password in your pack and complete some tasks.  Practise addition and subtraction sums on your laminated sheets either using dice or ask a family member to make up sums for your.  P3 – find some objects around the home i.e. pencils, counters, pegs etc. and practise division by sharing them out to your family just like we did in class.

Stem – Find a few objects around the house and see if they float or sink.  Some suggestions are fruit, vegetables, sponges and toys.  Record this any way you want.  An adult can help you with this because you are using water.

Art – Make an Easter Garden picture using different materials.  You can either draw it or make it 3D effect.

Music/Exercise – Log on to this you tube link if you can.  It is We are Going on a Bear Hunt Yoga.  Have fun everyone.



SLC Miss Robertson’s Literacy Group

Well done to those of you who are managing to log on to Bug Club and reading through your books.  Keep it up!

I have also transferred your accounts on ‘Teach Your Monster To Read’ for online access from home.  If using a laptop or computer the web address is  http://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/u/4991787 and type in your name.  The game should start.

This is also available as an app to use on your tablet, phone or Ipad.  It should cost £4.99 but it was free for a limited period during school closures.

If accessing through the app, your username is your own name and there is no need to enter a password.  You will need our star code to access our class though which is 4991787.

Happy reading,

Miss Robertson.

Microsoft Teams info for Parents and Learners

Please find attached an information leaflet  for accessing Microsoft Teams to support home learning for primaries 4- 7.  If you have internet access please encourage your child to check their GLOW account on their Teams tile for any tasks set by their teacher.

Microsoft Teams Guidance for Parents

For infants please check the school website or app for challenges or home learning ideas for primaries 1-3.

Thanks for your support.

Barshare Primary, Dalgleish Avenue, Cumnock, KA181QG, Tel: 01290 422212

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