P3/4 Bank Holiday Weekend

Hi everyone!

I hope you’ve all had a good week so far.  This is just a little reminder that it is a bank holiday weekend so please just relax, enjoy the time with each other and make the most of the sunshine (fingers crossed we get some!).

I will post next weeks home learning ideas for you on Monday.

Missing you all,

Love from Mrs Hastings x

SLC2 and Mrs Blaney’s groups 11th May


Hello everyone I hope you are all safe and well and been managing to keep yourself busy. I miss you all but it has been lovely catching up over the phone and you have all been keeping busy!! Here are some suggestions for this week.

Mrs Blaney x

Literacy 📝

  • How did you get on with the ‘sh’ sound last week? This week I would like you to add the sound ‘ch’ to the beginning of these middle sounds and see what new words you can make. You could draw a picture of some of the words you make. Here are a few examples to get you started; chop, chip, chin.



  • Keep practising the green words in the list below. Can you continue to practise reading and writing these words when you can? You can use lots of different materials to help you spell (you don’t always need paper and a pencil!!). Try chalk, paint, playdough, stones, beads etc. I have added 2 new yellow words but these are only for those of you who feel confident reading and spelling the green words.


Green words                                 Yellow

a              in           that                       all

and          of           the                      as

he            is            to

I              it            was


  • Click on the link below and it will take you to BBC Bitesize where there are lots of interesting activities you can do for different subjects areas. The activity I would like you to do is based on different types of stories. Follow the instructions in the online lesson and watch the short videos. Complete activity 1 and 2 and if you want to challenge yourself then have a go at activity 3 too.




  • Remember to log in to Bug Club a few times each week. I can check how many books you are reading and I can give you more books if needed.


Numeracy 🔢

Group 1

  • Last week you were working on number bonds and the story of 10. I have attached a link to BBC Bitesize that will give you more practise. Only complete activity 1 and 2 for now. In activity 2 there is a link to a worksheet but please do not print this out. Try and complete questions 1 and 2 and you could do this by using counters, beads or other small objects.


  • This is one of our favourite games to play in class. Give it a go!!!


  • Listen to this song and join in if you can.



  • Numbers to 100

This week you could try writing the number that comes before 2 digit numbers e.g

  36                _  54             _  69             31

Group 2

  • Write out the 7 and 9 times table. You could get an adult to ask you multiplication questions and see how many you get correct in 1 minute.


  • Play these times table games


  • Remember to log on to Sumdog where you can play lots of maths games.


  • Click on the link below and complete the missing number sums. You don’t need to print this, just copy the sums on to paper or your laminated card. Can you ask someone to write out and give you more sums like this to practice?



  • I have attached a May calendar of numeracy and maths activities you can try each day. Give most of them a go!! There will be some days that are too tricky but please do not worry about that (maybe a grown up could answer these ones for you!!) I think you will be surprised with how many you get correct!!

1st Level May Calendar


Maths for all  💰

Money (give this activity a go if you have spare coins in your house, if not then there will be a chance to do money tasks in later weeks)

Group 1 – use coins to 20p

  • Split the coins into groups e.g all the 1p’s together, 2p’s together etc
  • Sort the coins from smallest value to largest
  • Make amounts within 10p using the coins
  • Can you find different ways to make 10p? Try this with different amounts.
  • Get an adult to give you coins and count how much you have (do this within 10p)


Group 2 – coins and notes to £5 if possible

  • Sort the coins and notes from smallest to largest amount
  • Make amounts within £5 and try and use the least amount of coins and notes possible
  • Can you play at shops? Find toys or things in your house and give them a price. Keep the prices within £2 and add 2 of them together.
  • Can you give change? Start by buying something that is less than £1 and give change from £1. If this is too easy then use a larger amount to pay with.


Both groups

  • Play the money games in the link below



Fun for all 🧱

  • If you have managed to collect junk over the past few weeks then try to use it to make small models of your town. You could make a house, shop, doctor surgery etc. Keep a hold of your models for the coming weeks.
  • Are you keeping active? I would like you to practise your throwing and catching skills. Ask someone in your house to help and count how many times you can throw and catch the ball between you. If someone drops the ball then they have to do 10 jumping jacks.


P2/3 Bank Holiday Weekend

Hello everyone,

Just to remind everyone its a Bank Holiday Weekend so no school work tomorrow.  Have some fun with your family playing or relaxing.  Hope the weather stays nice and the sun shines.  Stay safe everyone whatever you are doing and I will be in touch again next week.  Have a super weekend.

Mrs McLachlan

Bank Holiday Weekend! P1/2

Hi everyone,

I hope you’re all keeping safe and well.  Just a reminder it’s our bank holiday weekend this weekend (woo!). Although it maybe isn’t like other holidays we have had in the past, please take the time to just enjoy your family and don’t worry about getting any work done.  Fingers crossed the sunshine stays! I’ll post on Monday with more ideas for you, but enjoy your weekend whatever you end up doing :).

I miss you all lots,

Miss Stafford

Miss Lee’s SLC Groups

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a good week and enjoyed some of the sunshine at the weekend. Here are a few suggestions for activities over the coming week.



Bug Club – Go in and have a read of one of your new books. Don’t forget to do the quiz

Writing –  “How to make a sandwich”

This week can you try to write the instructions for making a sandwich. You could help to make your own sandwich one lunchtime so that you have had a practice. It will help you think about what you need and what order to do things in.

*Top tip – break it down into sections e.g. What I need, What I did first, What I did next…..



Months of the Year Activity – Can you write out the 12 months of the year in the order that they come in. Then try to answer the following questions:-

  • What month is your birthday in?
  • What month is Christmas in?
  • Which months of the year are the school summer holidays in?
  • Ask other members of your family when their birthdays are?
  • What month of the year is Bonfire night in?
  • What month of the year is Valentine’s Day in?
  • Which months of the year is Winter in?
  • Which 3 months of the year are Spring in?
  • Which 3 months of the year is Summer in?
  • Which 3 months of the year make up the season of Autumn?


Volume Investigation

Can pupils collect containers of different sizes and shapes that they can fill with water. These could be bottles, jug, vase, watering can, a bowl etc.

Using a jug or a bottle you know the volume of fill each container with water and count how many jugs of water you need for each container you’ve collected. Then try to answer the following questions:-

  • Which container holds the most water?
  • Which one holds the smallest amount of water?
  • Can you put the containers you have in order from the one that holds the smallest colume of water to the greatest volume?



Don’t forget you have Sumdog that you can log into to use for maths and also there is Topmarks. There are lots of other websites suggested on the sheets that we sent home in March as well.


Art Project

This week I thought you might enjoy an art project that a friend of mine has given to her pupils in the USA. The challenge is to use some of your toys to create scenes that you can take a photograph of. You can make some really fun pictures here are a couple to give you some ideas.

Image preview

Image preview


Something Else To Try

Why not try making a fruit salad for you and your family. You will need an adult with you to help, especially when you are using the knife to cut fruit up.

Fruit Salad

You will need:-

  • A selection of your favourite fruits (strawberries, melon, pineapple, mango, kiwi’s, oranges, apples, banana)
  • A little sugar
  • A little bit of lemon juice
  1. Wash, peel if you need to and chop the fruits up. Put them all into a bowl.
  2. Leave the banana until you are ready to serve.
  3. Sprinkle the fruit with a little bit of sugar and some lemon juice. This will help to stop the fruit turning brown.
  4. Cover the bowl with cling film and put it in the fridge so that the fruits get a bit juicier.
  5. When you are ready to eat it chop up your banana and mix it into the other fruits in the bowl.
  6. Your fruit salad is ready to serve. Enjoy. 🙂


Hope you have fun trying some of these activities out at home this week.

Take care and I will be in touch soon to find out how you all are.

Miss Lee x




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