SLC 2 and Mrs Blaney’s group 18th May

What another lovely week of weather although it has been a little colder when I have been out on my walk! I hope everyone is well and well done to all of you on completing your jobs!! Please use the materials in your new pack to complete some of these activities and remember to put the sheets in the clear envelope when writing on top so you can reuse them.
Mrs Blaney x

Please remember that you can still work on the previous weeks activities and only move on to this weeks if you feel you are ready to do so

• This week I would like you to add the sound ‘th’ to the beginning of these middle sounds and see what new words you can make. You could use the blank game board in your pack to write the words on, play the game and read the word as you land on each box. Here are a few examples to get you started; thin, the, that, ,than.


• Keep practising the green words in the list below. Can you continue to practise reading and writing these words when you can? You can use lots of different materials to help you spell (you don’t always need paper and a pencil!!). Try chalk, paint, playdough, stones, beads etc. I have added another 2 yellow words but please do not feel you have to read and write all of these, just do what you can!

Green words
a, in, that, and, of,  the, he, is, to, I, it, was

Yellow words

all, as, be, can

• When we went on our walk this week we found a very creepy tunnel with a shallow river running through it.

I would like you to use your imagination and write a short story about the tunnel.
Here are some ideas for you to think about:
*What does it look like inside?
*Is there a funny smell?
*What can you hear?
*Where does the tunnel take you to?
*What do you see when you come out the other side?

• Remember to log in to Bug Club a few times each week. I can check how many books you are reading and I can give you more books if needed.

Group 1

• Use your blank game board to practise the story of 10 that you have been practising. Ask an adult to write missing number sums in each of the blank squares
e.g. 1+ _ =10, +8=10, 5+=10 when you land on a square then say the number that is missing in the sum.

• These are some of our favourite counting songs. Have a listen and sing along.

• Use the link below to practise counting in 2’s. There are 2 tasks to complete, try your best and just write the answers on your whiteboard

• Use the blank number line in your pack and write numbers from 0-20 in 2’s. Try this with numbers to 50. Ask an adult to write numbers on the number line missing some out that you have to fill in.

• Listen to this counting in 2’s song

Group 2

• Keep practising all your times tables. You can play games if you click on the link below.

• Use the blank game boards to practise your tables. Ask an adult to write sums in the blank spaces on the board and answer the questions when you land on the space.

• Click on the link below and complete the activities on multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. Only complete activity 1 and 2

• Here are some challenges for you. Give challenge 3 and 4 a go but don’t worry if you find them too difficult.

• Remember to log on to Sumdog where you can play lots of maths games.

Fun for all
• We enjoy doing drawing tutorials in class and here is one for you to try at home. Pause the video every few seconds and copy the instructions as you go. Have fun!!

• There are lots of drawing tutorials on youtube. Search for things you are interested in and give it a go. You could try ‘easy how to draw mickey mouse’ or ‘easy how to draw fortnite characters’.
• Can you design your own wacky house using empty toilet roll tubes? You could keep them and make your own model street or town.

• We have all been amazed by Colonel Tom’s achievement of walking 100 laps of his garden whilst raising loads of money for charity. Can you set yourself a challenge by completing 100 of something? You could try; 100 skips, 100 jumping jacks or even 100 runs around your own garden.

ECC – Newsletter 13th May 2020

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I hope this finds you all safe and well. The team of staff from the ECC have started creating a weekly newsletter of ideas and activities for home learning. As always we promote learning through play, so even sitting playing with your child is an important part of their development.

‘Play at this time is not trivial, it is serious and of deep significance’ (Froebel, 1826)

Click here : Barshare ECC Newsletter 13th May 2020


All SLC Parents

Good Morning

I know that my own son is confused by the current situation that we are living in and I have been using a couple of social stories with him to try to help him understand why we are at home and what it means to social distance. I thought I would share links here for you so that you can access them if you need a story to help too.

The first one is for Social Distancing. This is the link to the site that you can find it on

This link takes you to a social story about What Coronavirus is and why we need to stay at home. This one will be coming home in your new packs this week so that you have a paper copy too.

Coronavirus Social Story

I hope these are helpful.

Miss Lee 🙂

Miss Lee’s Groups Home Learning 11.5.20

Happy Monday everyone, I hope you are all doing OK. It was great speaking to you last week and finding out how you all are. You really cheered me up, thank you 😊 Here are this weeks ideas for a few activities that you could try if you have time or want to.


Bug Club – Go in and have a read of one of your books. Don’t forget to do the quiz.

Writing –  Write a letter to a friend

Do you have a friend that lives near by that you aren’t able to see at the moment? Why don’t you write them a short letter telling them what you have been doing. It only needs to be a 2/3 sentences long with a picture. Once you have written it you could deliver it when you go for a walk. This could really make your friends day.

Talking and Listening – Play a game of “Eye Spy” with your family to practice your sounds, and hopefully have some fun too.



Money Challenge – If you are able to can you find one of each type of coin from 1p to £2.00. Try to put them in order from the smallest to the biggest. Then use them to make different amounts if you can. If this is difficult follow this link to money activities on Topmarks that you can try.

The Story of 10 – Can you practice writing out all of the different adding sums using different numbers that add up to make a total of 10. You could even set yourself the challenge of timing yourself and seeing if you can quicker at doing it as the week goes on.


Don’t forget you have Sumdog that you can log into to use for maths games.


Something Else To Try

Here is the recipe for Banana Muffins which I made in school with the Wellbeing Group one day. The pupils really enjoyed making them. Make sure you get an adult to help with putting them into the oven and taking them back out as they will be really hot.

Banana Muffins

You will need:

225g Self Raising Flour

100g butter

75g Caster sugar

2 bananas

2 eggs

½ tsp cinnamon

2 tbspn cleaer honey


  1. Rub the flour and butter between your fingers to make a mixture that looks like breadcrumbs.
  2. Add the sugar, eggs, cinnamon and honey to the mixture and mix in.
  3. Put the bananas in a bowl and mash them with a fork.
  4. Add the bananas to the flour mixture and mix well.
  5. Put equal amounts of the batter mixture into muffin cases.
  6. Put the muffins into the oven at 180C for half an hour.
  7. When they are ready let the muffins cool completely on a cooling rack.


Hope you all have a good week.

Miss Lee x



P1/2 Home Learning Tasks – 11.5.20

P1/2 Home Learning Tasks


Hello everyone,

I hope you managed to enjoy your bank holiday weekend and made the most of the sunny and dry weather 😊.  It was so lovely to get to speak to lots of your adults last week and even getting to speak to some of you!  I’ll be in touch again with everyone to check in again in a couple of weeks time.  Remember to just do whatever you can and don’t put too much pressure on yourselves, you’re all doing the best that you can!

Miss Stafford




P1: Your new sound this week is: ue.

Ask an adult to help you come up with as many “ue” words as you can.  Watch this video and try your best to sound out each sound and blend the word together.

Ask an adult to help you write down 3 words from the video.  Practice these words by:

  • Air writing with your finger
  • Rainbow Writing
  • Writing one sentence (an adult should help with this)

P2: We are looking at o_e this week.  It’s the same idea as our magic e sound that we looked at last week.  Have a look at Geraldine exploring this sound:

Go on a hunt around your house and ask an adult to help you!

Use your spelling activity grid to practice all o_e words in your spelling booklet.

Write 5 sentences using your o_e words. These can spread out over each day.


Remember to log into bug club! You should have a new book this week.  We are focussing on completing just one book each week, this should give you the chance to really focus on this book and ensure that you are  really understanding what you are reading.

Writing:  Have a watch of this video reading a lovely book about the zoo.

Try to write something about your favourite zoo animal in the book, or in general! You could research this animal and create a fact file.  Ask an adult to help you.



Remember to log onto Sumdog.  You have a new set of challenges for the week to complete.  I can see some of you working really hard each week on it – well done you! You should have your log in details in your pack.


P1: Collect ten things from your garden, kitchen, lounge – anywhere!  Split them into different piles (You could use 2 bowls, cups etc, whatever works).  Count how many are in each of the two piles.  The total will always be ten, but explore the different ways we can make up ten.  5 + 5, or 4 + 6 etc.  An adult will need to help you with this.

This website is great for practicing this, click on the “make ten” button.


P2: Keep working on your adding tens and units.  I have some more questions for you to try this week using the same method as last week:

52 + 17 =

31 + 46 =

56 + 11 =

63 + 26 =

41 + 27 =

81 + 15 =

90 + 5 =

24 + 51 =

15 + 14 =

71 + 24 =


Other Curricular areas:


Here’s a challenge for the month of May to complete as many art tasks as you can.  This will hopefully give you lots of ideas 😊.



Remember to look at Mrs Hill’s music grid for some music ideas to complete at home:

Remember you are doing enough!  Do what you can when suits you.  Remember to keep safe and happy, I miss you all.

Miss Stafford

Barshare Primary, Dalgleish Avenue, Cumnock, KA181QG, Tel: 01290 422212

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