All posts by Mrs Blaney

SLC2 and Mrs Blaney’s groups 11th May


Hello everyone I hope you are all safe and well and been managing to keep yourself busy. I miss you all but it has been lovely catching up over the phone and you have all been keeping busy!! Here are some suggestions for this week.

Mrs Blaney x

Literacy 📝

  • How did you get on with the ‘sh’ sound last week? This week I would like you to add the sound ‘ch’ to the beginning of these middle sounds and see what new words you can make. You could draw a picture of some of the words you make. Here are a few examples to get you started; chop, chip, chin.


  • Keep practising the green words in the list below. Can you continue to practise reading and writing these words when you can? You can use lots of different materials to help you spell (you don’t always need paper and a pencil!!). Try chalk, paint, playdough, stones, beads etc. I have added 2 new yellow words but these are only for those of you who feel confident reading and spelling the green words.


Green words                                 Yellow

a              in           that                       all

and          of           the                      as

he            is            to

I              it            was


  • Click on the link below and it will take you to BBC Bitesize where there are lots of interesting activities you can do for different subjects areas. The activity I would like you to do is based on different types of stories. Follow the instructions in the online lesson and watch the short videos. Complete activity 1 and 2 and if you want to challenge yourself then have a go at activity 3 too.


  • Remember to log in to Bug Club a few times each week. I can check how many books you are reading and I can give you more books if needed.


Numeracy 🔢

Group 1

  • Last week you were working on number bonds and the story of 10. I have attached a link to BBC Bitesize that will give you more practise. Only complete activity 1 and 2 for now. In activity 2 there is a link to a worksheet but please do not print this out. Try and complete questions 1 and 2 and you could do this by using counters, beads or other small objects.

  • This is one of our favourite games to play in class. Give it a go!!!

  • Listen to this song and join in if you can.


  • Numbers to 100

This week you could try writing the number that comes before 2 digit numbers e.g

  36                _  54             _  69             31

Group 2

  • Write out the 7 and 9 times table. You could get an adult to ask you multiplication questions and see how many you get correct in 1 minute.


  • Play these times table games

  • Remember to log on to Sumdog where you can play lots of maths games.


  • Click on the link below and complete the missing number sums. You don’t need to print this, just copy the sums on to paper or your laminated card. Can you ask someone to write out and give you more sums like this to practice?



  • I have attached a May calendar of numeracy and maths activities you can try each day. Give most of them a go!! There will be some days that are too tricky but please do not worry about that (maybe a grown up could answer these ones for you!!) I think you will be surprised with how many you get correct!!

1st Level May Calendar


Maths for all  💰

Money (give this activity a go if you have spare coins in your house, if not then there will be a chance to do money tasks in later weeks)

Group 1 – use coins to 20p

  • Split the coins into groups e.g all the 1p’s together, 2p’s together etc
  • Sort the coins from smallest value to largest
  • Make amounts within 10p using the coins
  • Can you find different ways to make 10p? Try this with different amounts.
  • Get an adult to give you coins and count how much you have (do this within 10p)


Group 2 – coins and notes to £5 if possible

  • Sort the coins and notes from smallest to largest amount
  • Make amounts within £5 and try and use the least amount of coins and notes possible
  • Can you play at shops? Find toys or things in your house and give them a price. Keep the prices within £2 and add 2 of them together.
  • Can you give change? Start by buying something that is less than £1 and give change from £1. If this is too easy then use a larger amount to pay with.


Both groups

  • Play the money games in the link below


Fun for all 🧱

  • If you have managed to collect junk over the past few weeks then try to use it to make small models of your town. You could make a house, shop, doctor surgery etc. Keep a hold of your models for the coming weeks.
  • Are you keeping active? I would like you to practise your throwing and catching skills. Ask someone in your house to help and count how many times you can throw and catch the ball between you. If someone drops the ball then they have to do 10 jumping jacks.


SLC 2 and Mrs Blaney’s groups 4th May

Hi, 👋

Here are some more activities you could try this week. Remember you can go back to the previous weeks and try those activities again. It’s good to go over work we have completed in the past!

Literacy 📝

*Please keep practising writing your lower and capital letters in any way you can. Working outside can be lots of fun and you might have things in your garden to help. Use stones to lay out the shape of each letter before you try to write it.

*You have been doing a lot of work on the middle sound of simple 3 letter words such as; cat, tap, tin, net, cop, nut. This week I would like you to add the sound ‘sh’ to the beginning of these middle sounds and see what new words you can make. You could draw a picture of some of the words you make. Here are a few examples to get you started; shop, ship, shed.

Listen to this song on Youtube


*We have all been learning our green and yellow keywords that Mrs Blaney has on the wall in the class. Can you continue to practise reading and writing these words when you can. Keep a note of these words as I will add 1 or 2 new ones each week. Everyone has been learning the green words and I will start adding yellow words each week.


Green words

a              in           that

and          of           the

he            is            to

I              it            was


*Click on the link below and write a few sentences about the monster. You do not need to print off the sheet, just write your sentences on to paper. Draw a picture of the monster when you have finished or can you draw a new monster that could be his friend.



*Remember to log in to Bug Club a few times each week 📖


Numeracy 🧮

Group 1

*Number story of 10

Can you write all the addition sums where the answer is 10?

0+10     1+9    2+8   and so on.

Remember you can use small objects as counters if that helps and try to remember as many of the sums as you can by practising this work.


*This is one of our favourite games to play in class. Give it a go!!!


*Numbers to 100

This week you could try writing the number that comes between 2 numbers.

34   _  36              52  _  54           67  _  69      29   _  31


Group 2

*Write out the 3 and 6 times table

*Play these times table games


*Can you make your own number patterns? Try the ones on the worksheet (do not print, just copy on to paper) then make your own.


*Roll a dice and write down the number, do this another twice and you have made a 3 digit number! Can you repeat this then add both of your 3 digit numbers together? Have a go at making your own 3 digit addition sums.


Maths for all


*Can you make your own analogue clock? Below are some examples to show you how.


*Discuss the following:
How many minutes in an hour?
How many minutes in half an hour?

*Group 1 – Set the time to show o’clock and half past
Ask an adult to set the time and you read it


*Group 2 – Set and read the time using 5 minute increments
Can you set the time 30 mins after a time that an adult tells you?


Fun for all 🧱

*If you have lego or any other type of construction toy then build your own house. Can you make extra buildings that you could add to make your own street or town?

*We had fun in our house this week making mazes with lego.  You could try to make your own and get someone in your house to complete it. Here is a picture of my wee boy Jack and the maze he made for me to try 😁


Take care of yourself and I hope you are having fun with the people in your house.

Mrs Blaney 😊

SLC 2 and Mrs Blaney’s group 1st June


Hello everyone. This weather has been wonderful and I hope you have all managed to get outside and enjoy the sunshine.Remember to do what you can and don’t feel any pressure to complete these activities if you are still working on the previous weeks.

Mrs Blaney x


  • This week I would like you to revise the sh, ch, and th sounds that we have been learning recently. Can you find objects in your house that have these sounds in them e.g shirt, shoe, chain, thread etc. Ask an adult to help you sort them into groups of the same sounds.
  • Use the objects you have found and play ‘Kims game’. 1.Lay out the objects and remember what they are 2. Get a cover and place over the objects 3. Ask an adult to remove one of the objects 4. Can you guess what one is missing and say the sound for that object


  • Keep practising the green words in the list below. Can you continue to practise reading and writing these words when you can? You can use lots of different materials to help you spell (you don’t always need paper and a pencil!!). Try chalk, paint, playdough, stones, beads etc. You could ask someone to write the ones you know onto one of the game boards, play the game and read the words. I have added another 2 yellow words but please do not feel you have to read and write all of these, just do what you can!


Green words                             Yellow

a             in           that                     all                 for

and         of           the                       as                 have

he           is           to                         be

I             it           was                       can



  • Here is a song you can listen to that has many of the keywords in it.


  • Have you been helping more in your house since lockdown? This is a good time to practise lifeskills. This week I would like you to help make lunch one day. This could be making a sandwich, heating up soup or making toast. Once you have finished discuss what you did, what equipment you used and the ingredients. Ask an adult to help you with the writing task in the link below where you will write the instructions. Please do not feel you have to print this off as it can be copied on to paper.
  • If you make or bake anything else then please feel free to write it up for extra practice


  • Click on the link below where you will be taken to the BBC Bitesize site. Complete activities 1 and 2


  • Remember to log in to Bug Club a few times each week. I can check how many books you are reading and I can give you more books if needed.



Group 1

  • Listen to these counting in 5’s songs


  • Can you write down the numbers from 0-50 as you count in 5’s on your blank number line? Try writing them from 0-100.


  • Click on the link below and have a go at the subtraction activities. When you are finished you could ask an adult to write some subtraction sums and practice answering them using a number line.


  • Here is a link to some subtraction games you can play


Group 2

  • Keep practising all your times tables. Maybe you could practice your tables by playing hopscotch. Draw out a hopscotch grid and answer the questions in each box. Remember the Topmarks website has lots of multiplication games you can play.


  • Here are some multiplication raps you can sing along to. There are plenty more you can listen to on youtube.


  • Click on the link below and follow these steps
  • Click on summer term – week 4 (w/c 11th May)
  • Complete lessons 1 and 2
  • You can pause the video when you see the pause sign to allow you to complete the calculations
  • Lessons 3 and 4 are not compulsory but you can try them if you want a challenge


  • Remember to log on to Sumdog where you can play lots of maths games.

Fun for all

  • Collect sticks when you are next on your walk and try to make a stick house with them. You might also need some string or wool to help hold your model together.

  • Use the blank board game to design your own game for everyone to play. Maybe you could set challenges as they land on each square e.g. 10 jumping jacks, say a compliment to someone, do a handstand, say the alphabet backwards?
  • I hope you enjoyed practising your drawing skills last week! Here is another link you could try again this week.

SLC2 – Home Learning Tasks WB: 27/4/2020

Hello there!

I hope everyone is safe and well and you are all enjoying the beautiful weather. 🌞

Again, this week I have listed some suggestions of activities you can do with your family but these are not essential as you should still have plenty of activities you can complete in your pack. Please remember that learning lifeskills, playing games and getting outside are all valuable learning activities.

Literacy 📝

  • Last week you made alphabet cards. This week I would like you to make another set but write the capital letters. Use the cards and lay them out in the correct order. Ask an adult to hide the cards around a room and find the matching small and capital letters.
  • Can you practise writing the capital letters outside? Maybe you could use an old paint brush and water and write them on the path or wall?
  • Use the letter cards and make small words with the middle sound -i-, -o-,-u-. Eg. sit, nip, hot, cop, nut, bun. You could pick some of your words and draw pictures to match.
  • Go on a scavenger hunt around your house finding something that starts with each letter sound. We did this in our house and it was great fun. The letter ‘z’ was a tricky one!!
  • Please keep using Bug Club and read and enjoy listening to stories that people in your house can read to you.


Numeracy 🧮

Group 1

  • Continue to practise reading and writing numbers to 100. Ask an adult to say a number to 100 and you can write the number that comes before and after the number.
  • Play this game

  • Write out all the double addition sums you can make up to 10+10. Use stones, beads, pasta etc to lay out the sums so you can count the answer. How many of these sums can you learn the answer to without counting out objects? Ask an adult to test you!!

Group 2

  • Write out the 4 and 8 times table. Can you play bingo using the answers to these tables as you did last week?
  • Continue to practise counting in 2’s and 5’s.
  • Play some of these games


Maths for all 📏

  • Do you have a measuring tape at home? Use the tape and go around your home finding things that are smaller than 100cm. You might need an adult to help you. Remember 100 centimetres is the same as 1 metre!!

Fun for all 😁

  • I hope you are all managing to try to tie your laces. I look forward to seeing how well you can do it when we return to school.
  • Remember to help around your house more. Can you make your own bed or help to make lunch?
  • Our new topic this term is Our Town. Have a look on google maps for the area or town you live. Can you find your street or where someone in your family stays?
  • Try and collect pieces of rubbish over the next week as you could use them as part of our topic work.


Most importantly please all stay safe and well.🤗

Take care,

Mrs Blaney x



SLC 2 Home learning week beg 20th April

Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely Easter and enjoyed doing nice things with your family.

Below are a few ideas of activities you can complete for this week for the children in Mrs Blaney’s literacy and numeracy groups (the children should know who they work with). Please feel free to complete these activities even if you are not in my group.

Literacy ✍

  • Make alphabet cards with spare paper you have. Can you place the letters in alphabetical order? Ask an adult to help you find sounds that words around your home begin with.
  • Use the letters to make simple words with the middle sounds  -a- and -e-    e.g. cat, fat, bed,net etc. How many words can you make?
  • Think about things you have done over the Easter holiday. Did you go a nice walk and see signs of Spring? What was your favourite Easter egg? What games have you played in your garden? Ask an adult to help you write a few sentences and try and spell some of the words by yourself . Draw a picture that matches your writing.
  • Please log on to Bug Club a few times throughout the week and enjoy listening to and reading stories (password and details are in your pack).

Numeracy 🔢

Group 1 (children working on numbers to 100, addition and subtraction using a number line)

  • Do you have playing cards or a set of dice? Use these to make addition sums and calculate the answer using a number line. If you want, try and work out the answer without using the number line! Can you make sums where you add a 1 digit number to a 2 digit number e.g 23+6=
  • Use the topmarks website and play some of the addition games on this page.
  • You have a blank laminated squared grid in your pack. Use the grid and write all numbers from 1-100 on it. Ask someone to say numbers between 1-100 and find and circle them on your grid.


Group 2  (children working on 3 and 4 digit numbers, addition and subtraction of 3 digit numbers and multiplication)

  • Write out the 2, 5 and 10 times table. Play bingo with someone in your house and write down 6 answers to each of the tables then get an adult to read out the sums e.g 2 times table answers and ask sums from the 2 times table
  • Challenge yourself by using playing cards or dice and make up your own multiplication sums. Can you work out the answer using some of the ways we have practised in class?
  • Use the topmarks website and play some of the multiplication games; hit the button is one of the best!
  • Ask someone in your house to help you write 3 digit numbers. Can you write the number before or after? Can you write the number that comes between 2 numbers?

Fun for all SLC 2 children

  • When you go on your daily walk look for signs of Spring all around you. If it is possible can you collect items from your walk to make a spring picture? You can also draw, paint or use chalk to make your picture.
  • Baking is great fun!! What about making chocolate crispie nests with an adult that all of your family can enjoy eating?🧁
  • This is a great time to learn new things!! If you cant already do so then why not learn to tie your own shoelaces?? 😉


Please remember that the activities listed are just a suggestion. It is important that you and your family stay safe and look after one another. I hope you all have a lovely week and the sun continues to shine 🌞

Take care,

Mrs Blaney xx