All posts by Miss Stevenson

P5 No Pens Wednesday

We were watching the short film “Partly Cloudy” and for our writing lesson we were re-telling the story in our own words.

Here we are doing the Virginia Reel for PE!

We are painting our sunset background for our silhouette pictures. This is part of our topic of Scotland and Malawi as we were investigating wildlife of Malawi.

Ava playing Hit the Button to practice her 6x tables.

Some of the Circles playing a game of Zap! In maths.

Here we are watching the short film “Partly Cloudy”.


P4 No Pens Wednesday

Primary 4 were learning about symmetry and how to create a symmetrical pattern. They used the 2D shapes to create there pattern and a piece of string to show where the line of symmetry was.

Primary 4 have been learning about Ancient Egypt. They used the modelling clay to mould their topical spelling words. After this they got a friend to check their spelling.

Today was No Pen’s Wednesday! P4 were very excited to learn more about dyslexia and what it means to be dyslexia friendly. We watched some videos which explained to us what dyslexia is. We spoke about how the pupils could help themselves, and also how teachers could help them achieve their educational targets!

We consolidated our spelling words by using the painting trays. We practiced spelling our words on the paint and peer assessed our shoulder-partners work.

After lunch we stretched our creative muscles and had a go at making our own Egyptian headdresses. We used paper, foil, sequence, glitter, and paper shapes to create beautiful designs.

P4 loved using the sand trays! They worked together with a friend to test each other on their topical spelling words and then had a go at sculpting a square-based pyramid.

P4 played a game of toss with their shoulder-partner to test each other on what they have learnt in their Ancient Egyptian topic. They spelt their topical spelling words and asked different questions relating to Ancient Egypt.