All posts by Miss Gilchrist

Primary 1 Home Learning – Week Beginning 1st June

Hello Primary 1 : ),

I hope you are all well and enjoyed a weekend in the beautiful sunshine?! I have loved speaking to your adults on the phone over the last few weeks and hearing all the lovely things you have been doing.

Today is the 1st day of June and we are heading into your final 4 weeks of Primary 1.  As always, if you can try your best to do at least some of the activities on the table below, that would be great!

Missing you all.

Mrs Keen

: )

Mrs Hill Music:

Primary 1 – Holiday Weekend!

Hello Primary 1 : ),

I hope you are all well?!

Just a little reminder that this a long holiday weekend. Had you still been at school, you would have been off Monday and Tuesday. So no school-related tasks for a few days, enjoy time with you families!

I will post your new tasks on Wednesday. Stay safe all of you. Missing you all.

Mrs Keen


Primary 1 Tasks Week Beginning 11.05.20

Hello Primary 1 : ),

I hope you all enjoyed a lovely long weekend in the sun! I have planned our weekly tasks a little differently this week. Have a look at the table below and choose whichever activities you want.

Activities highlighted in yellow are those I would especially like you to try if you can, when you can.

Have a lovely week. Missing you all!

Stay safe,

Mrs Keen : )