Over the last few weeks, Primary 1 have been learning ‘Massage in Schools’ from Mrs Murdoch. We have enjoyed having some calm, relaxing time out of our busy days.
We are now experts at some of the massage routines including ‘The Hairdresser’, ‘The Cat Grip’ and ‘The Baker’.
Please click on the link below to view some of our photos.
This would have been your last day in Primary 1 before the Summer holidays.
I have managed to catch most of you on the phone this week but I’d like to say a huge thank you again to all the parents and carers who have all been so supportive, particularly over these last few months. It has been lovely working with you and your wee ones this year.
Most of all, the biggest thank you to my very special class. I have genuinely loved working with each and every one of you. You are all amazing kids and have been such a pleasure to work with.
The very best of luck for Primary 2, I know you will all do great. I will be in to see how you are all doing. Have a lovely summer holidays and I look forward to seeing you in school in August.
Well Primary 1Â this year may have thrown more at us than planned, but we made it! This is our last week before our Summer break and you move into Primary 2! How fast has that gone in?!
I am so sad to be ending our year like this and not actually together. I will be checking in on you all the time in Primary 2 and please remember I am always here if you need me!
I am so, so proud of you all. You have been a truly wonderful class and I miss each and every one of you.
Take care,
Mrs Keen
(This weeks activities are just for some fun. I will add you some more Bug Club books – only to do if you wish)
Hi Primary 1! Hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend?
You will notice the majority of the table below is highlighted in yellow as the ‘most important’ jobs. I am aware we are heading into our second last week of Primary 1 and the activity table covers alot of what we would have been if we were still in school. Please do not worry if some of the activities are too tricky, just do what you can, when you can.
Again, this week I have set some extra activities – these are not essential, just for those who are looking for a further challenge.