All posts by Amanda Hastings

P3 Personal Project – Earth and Beyond

As part of our Earth and Beyond learning, Primary 3 completed a personal project at home.  They had 2 options to choose from – construct the Saturn V model that was part of the Apollo 11 mission, or to research and create a poster about the Apollo 11 mission.  They had 2 weeks to complete their project.  Miss Edwards was delighted with their work and would like to thank all their families/adults who supported with this.

P3 Visit The Dark Sky Park

Primary 3 have thoroughly enjoyed our evening visit to the Dark Sky Park.  This year was particularly special  as we were also the first school to ever visit their brand new planetarium.  During our visit we got to spend time looking through the telescope, participate in hands on activities in the science room but the highlight was most definitely the new planetarium.  In this, we got to lie back and journey through space…. we saw what it looks like when a star dies, a range of star constellations, the milky way and the Apollo 11 mission to the moon.  It was a fantastic visit, we learned lots and we enjoyed every moment of it.

Here are just a small range of our pictures…


P3 – Enterprise – Organising a Party

Primary 3 have had a very busy week as it was our enterprise challenge to organise a Halloween Party for the infant department.  We had to plan the games and scripts, organise music, write a letter to order apples, make posters and decorations then lead the infant department during the party.  It was a lot of hard work, but it was well worth it.  The infants had a fantastic time, and we learned lots about team work, organising events and the importance of taking on roles and responsibilities.  Please have a look at the pictures below to see us in action!


P3 – Music with Mrs Hill

Primary 3 have been learning to read rhythm notation this term, identifying different note and rest values. They have also been learning about the difference between rhythm and pulse. They have been using the drumsticks to play different rhythm patterns from Aram Sam Sam, the Angry Birds Theme Tune, Star Wars and In the Hall of the Mountain King. By the last week of term, pupils were identifying rhythm patterns aurally! Great work P3!


P3 – Farmer Visitor

Primary 3 enjoyed a fantastic class visit from Mr Sloan, a local farmer.  He came to us to help us to learn more about life on the farm.  Mr Sloan is a dairy farmer.  He brought models of his equipment for us to see, bags of animal feed and pictures of his cows.  We enjoyed listening to all his funny stories about his work on the farm!  Mr Sloan answered all our questions about farming so now we know even more about why farming in Scotland is so important.